Brian is Here With Me

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It's been a couple of hours as I believe because I don't hear anybody in the room or hear any commotion. it must be sometime at night.

I slowly open my eyes and see Brian. He is slumping in a chair, and he has a wrapping on his wrist. I frown. He got hurt because of me. And I hurt myself because I forced him to come out.

I try to roll over but I can't because it hurts to move with my fractured I have found myself in the worst position. I look around bored with nothing todo. I don't want to wake Brian because he looks adorable so I prefer to let him sleep until he himself wakes up. I moan a little and drift into blackness of nothingness,

When I awake again I see Brian talking to my mom. She gives him a hug and says:Welcome to the family. He smiles and I smile "Look who's up!?" my mom grins and leaves.

"Hey sweetie" He walks over to me. I smile.


"How are you?" I shrug. He bites his lips.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I-I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"For what happened to you"

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I was the one that told you to come out"

"I just feel horrible"

"Look I love you. It doesn't matter"

Brian starts tearing up. "I just can't get over the fact that I hurt you"

"Brian you didn't hurt me"

"Then who did if it wasn't me?"

"It was my fault that I got hurt and that you did as well"

I take my left arm (the good one) and pull his face down to mine. "Don't ever say that it was your fault" I place my lips against him and he lets out a little moan.

I feel him biting my lip and I open my mouth a little because of shock. And it was the most romantic one we've had.

"What the hell?!?!!"

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