Where am I?

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"Is he okay?" asks a voice.

"He is gonna be fine, but-"


"He is gonna need a lot of rest"

""What does that mean?"

"The fight he got into was pretty bad"
I hear a sigh. "Do you know how he got into the fight?" Wait where am I?

"No. I just got the call about an hour or two ago"

"Ok. Well he has been out for about three hours. Actually passed out when they left. That's what a boy told me" Boy? what boy? Brian? Was it Brian?

I moan. "I will leave you two" I hear footsteps and I slowly open my eyes. I see my mom watching the person walk away. She turns to me and runs over.

"Sweetie!" She has a teary smile

"Mom? Where am I?"

"The hospital"

"Where's Brian"


"Is he okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't he be?" she smiles "Its nice that you two are such good friends" Better believe it. More like friends with benefits. "Sweetie what happened?"

"I got into a fight" I whisper

"I know, but your usually so good with not getting into a fight"

"It's a long story" she sits down on the bed.

"Okay" she stares at me.



"Um." she just looks at me.

"So the fight that I got into..." I hesitate. "It was to help Brian" I sigh and look at my hands "He was getting beat up" I look up at her then back down at flash speed. "And I decided to help" My eyes water "And at the same time I got beat up because of the same thing" A tear streaks down my cheek "Brian isn't just my friend... Brian isn't my best friend either... Brian is my boyfriend" My voice drifts off so it probably sounded as though I said 'boy' so to make it clear "Mom I-I-I'm gay"

she stares at me. For a minute I thought she was upset "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know what you would do with me" I whisper

She moves close to me and brushes my hair. "Honey I will always love you no matter what. Just no more secrets" She kisses my forehead. "Your father is at work and your brother is on his way back here so prepare to break the news to them too."

I smile. Then it falls to a frown. "How bad are my injuries?"

"Well if you hadn't noticed the sling on your arm?" She laughs. I look and see it. "The person that hurt you twisted it back until it got dislocated." I cringe. "Your nose is broken too." I look down. "You have a fractured spine too sweetie."


"When they were shoving you up against the lockers, they were doing it repeatedly right?" I nod "Then that's why" She holds my good hand. "You also have a bruised stomach. But that's it. Other wise you'll be fine."

Just then my eyes get droopy and my mom kisses me and leaves the room while it goes black.

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