Date p1

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Brian opens the car door and I step in but not without saying thank you before I got in. Brian gets in and puts the key in ignition.

"Can you please tell me where you are taking me!?" I say he just looks at me and leans in.

"Don't worry about it" he breaths. I stiffen up. He giggles and moves away.

After a good long twenty minutes we finally arrive at the place. It some fancy restaurant. Like a French restaurant. Wow classy!

"Here we are"He says as he stops the car.

"How do you have the money for this?" I ask

"Don't worry about it" he says. He gets out of the car and opens my door. I move my legs to the side and stand up. Brian pecks my check.

"you look great" He whispers. I blush.

"You look great too" I say. Brian closes the door behind me. He grabs my hand

"come one" he says pulling me towards the resturant. I feel like a girl madly in love with a boy. But the bo I am with is my love. So far I feel like it is one of those cliche love stories where a boy and a girl fall in love and then after a while they break up because of a big fight and then they miss each other so much that they get back together. You know right? It feels like that but a different situation.

We walk towards a lady and Brian asks for a table for two. She shows us to our table. Brian still has my hand in his. When we sit down Brian sits across from me. The lady walks away so its just me and Brian.

"So tell me about yourself" he says.

"wow slow down!" i laugh.

"Ok then we will play a game. I can ask you a question and then you ask me a question."

'Ok I can work with that" I chuckle.

"question one- What is your favorite color" he asks.

I think for a minute. "white" Brian look at me confused


"Because its so plains nod you can do whatever you want with it meaning you can add as many colors as you want" he nods. "My turn. So what's your favorite color?"

"Black like yours but its a little darker" he smiles "my turn. How many siblings do you have?"

"One. My brother Andrew he is a couple years older then I am" I feel like I should ask him the same question so I will change it a little. "Do you have a brother sister or a pet?"

"None" I tilt my head "Im an only child and my parents don't trust me with animals" I laugh "So when is your birthday Tony?"

"May 2nd" Th waiter comes by and asks what we will have and Brian says we will have the special.

"Ok last question" I tilt my head "Do you love me?"

I giggle "That depends do you love me?" he smiles and takes my hand. He gives me the 'really' look. I smile "Yeah I think I do" I say squeezing his hand. "At least i'm pretty sure" he laughs

"Good because I love you" Brian bends his head down and kisses my hand. My skin boils. Love... love... love

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