James' rant...and we see the common room

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Once we reached the painting of the fat lady Albus said
"Pumpkin polijuice" and she swung open, Albus pulled me through the hole when the painting had been, "look Lily.." He started to say before I interrupted
"No you look Albus he was helping me, that should have been James but no he had to go call me 'lil' when everyone knows I hate it, especially him, he always calls me it"
"I know Lily but he doesn't want to hurt you and anyway how was Scorpius, a Slytherin, going to get in the Gryffindor common room" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders "you know how James is and we both wanted to make sure you are safe here, James doesn't.... See eye to eye with Scorpius, you know that, so he wants you to stay away and even though he was helping you James wasn't impressed. It's better if you stay away, sorry Lily." He said
"Well, the rumours of Albus being smart are true" said James coming through the portrait hole, his nose looked swollen and his face covered in blood. he was grinning.
"JAMES! What have you done?" I screamed,
"I taught that Malfoy brat a lesson" he said still grinning,
"Yes, I guessed that but what exactly have you done, this time" Albus said.
"I punched him, he punched me back and we ended up in a fight until I remembered my wand and now he's tied up somewhere" he said proudly
"JAMES!" I screamed "why do you have to ruin everything?" I turned and ran to the stairs and sat down once I couldn't see them, I could still hear them though,
"Leave her be James, I think you've done enough harm today. It's her first day she hasn't even started lessons yet. Can you remember how scared you were, well she'll be that scared plus you being more of an idiot than usual. Pissing everyone off, thats bad even for you mate" Albus said, when did he get so wise he use to be James' sidekick thinking every word he said was law, now knows that not everything James thinks or says is right.
"All I want is to protect her" said James,
"And you think I don't, she's my little sister too" Albus said,
"Letting her near Malfoy isn't keeping her safe"James said
"I know that but she won't listen" Al said and I agree, I'm really stubborn
especially for subjects like this
"She'll listen to Teddy right?" James asked sounding nervous
"If she listens to anyone it would be him" Al answered and I couldn't help
**this next bit may be incorrect in fact and is slightly weird, forgive me**
As the other Gryffindor's into the common room I got off the stairs and sat
away from my brothers on a blue armchair
"Oy, Potter, I sit here no-one else. You go sit with your family cos you're
not welcome" said a rough voice and i knew that only my family sat on the
big settee unless they wanted to get pranked by Fred but i never knew that
others has privet spots as well.
"I don't want to sit with them" i moaned but as soon as i said it i knew i
was in trouble.
"I DON'T CARE" said the same rough voice, i didn't move.
He picked me up using 'levicorpus' but him didn't know that my brothers used
that on me all the time so i just laughed. Oops, he just got angry at this
and as he went to hex me heard,
"Stupify" from multiple voices in the room, all my cousins and brothers we
stood there wands raised. Then I fell to the floor and Albus picked me up.
"That's for being mean to my sister Crowley (i know that he is also a demon off Supernatural but oh well)" James snarled, he then turned to me and
walked to the stairs, where I was previously sat, and went up them.
"Lily...."Albus started to say,
"What? It's not like i did it on purpose, in case you didn't know it's my
first day" i say with tears in my eyes
"I know but James doesn't want you to get hurt" Al says brushing the tears
off my cheeks
"I know" I said just as Teddy Lupin came through the painting. Teddy is
Remus and Tonks' only son, they both died in the Great War so his
Grandparents looks after him but he comes round for tea every week, he's
like another big brother.
"James told me what happened, Lily come here" he says holding his arms out,
so I went over to him and gave him a hug mumbling something about how James
knows I hate it. "Hey where is James?" he asked sounding slightly concerned,
I turn around (we had stopped hugging) and pointed towards the stairs.
"He went up to the dormitories" Albus said
"Oh" Teddy still sounded concerned, then he noticed Crowley laying on the
floor "we should take him to the hospital wing" he said not even asking how
he got there, he probably assumed it had something to do with our family and
doesn't want to know.
"Can't we just leave him there" James said "he deserves it, he tried to..."
"I don't want to know, you're lucky I'm not telling your mother James Sirius
Potter" said Teddy
"And the catch is...." we ask
"If you help me take him to the hospital wing" Teddy said and so we did it's
not like we had much of a choice.
We managed to get in, with Crowley, and out, without Crowley, no questions
asked which was good.
"James, Albus go back to the common room, Lily stay with me" Teddy said and
once they were gone he added "come on you need to get your timetable from
Professor McGonagall"
"Wait, what?" I exclaimed
"You need it Lily, and i know it's not your fault James is an idiot< but you
have to get it "teddy sounded sympathetic but i didn't notice it then.
"Can't you get it for me" I ask
"Nope, you have to, sorry Lily but don't worry she has a soft spot for your
family" he says
"Our family" I corrected him
"What?" He asks looking confused
"you are part of our family" I repeated
"Oh, yeah that's what I meant" and although i know he's lying it still makes
me feel better. "Come on we have to go see the headmistress now" he said and
I gave in. We walked through Hogwarts and i finally understood what my
family loves about this place. We had only been walking for 5 minutes when
we reached the stone gargoyle and i knew that this was the headmistress'
I have finally finished typing up chapter 4, I'm sorry i have been
neglecting this so yeah...
Anyway hope you enjoyed and if you want vote and comment ask questions
anything so bye
Bex xx

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