Best Friends.

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Lily P.o.V
Albus had been acting strange for a while, it started after he found Rose crying. He said he told me everything that had happened but I knew he was hiding something from me.
"Miss Potter" I hear McGonagall say, my head snaps up,
"Yes Professor?" I say as innocently as possible.
"Is there something more interesting than learning how to transfigure the twig into a needle?" She asks me looking down at me with an air of disapproval,
"Of course not Professor, but currently there has been a bit of family drama that has occupied my mind" I say, it's not lying either. Luckily she seemed to understand, the perks of being a Potter.
"Fine. Would you care to demonstrate the transfiguration Miss Potter?" She says. I nod lifting my wand, and without speaking I change the twig into a silver needle with a light tinge of brown to it.
"Well done Miss Potter, that was impressive for a first attempt. We can improve it though" she says with a hint of a smile before walking back to he front of the class.
After a while there was a knock at the door, McGonagall had gone to see who they were. She nodded a few times before turning back to the class.
"Miss Potter, it seems you are wanted elsewhere. You can take your things and go" she announced. Now I was confused.

Albus P.o.V
"Please tell me nothing is happening between you and my little sister" I whisper to Scorpius at the back of Flitwick's class,
"What do you mean?" He says turning to me, frowning.
"You broke up with Rose for no reason and you and Lily, you just seem close" I tell him exasperated.
"Actually Rose broke up with me and you know me and Lily have always been close, it's nothing." He tells me brushing off the accusations,
"And why exactly did Rose break up with you? Plus you and Lily are closer than normal, I just want to protect her" I tell him.
"Rose was paranoid about me and Lily, like you apparently, and I get that you want to protect her, I do too but would it really be so bad" he looks away from me with a hint of a blush rushing to his face.
"It's not paranoia if it's true." I tell him "and what do you mean it wouldn't be so bad" I say my voice raising.
"Albus" he says looking down.
I stood up.
"You like her?" I say paralysed with shock.
He nods slowly,
And then I punch him.

Hi, my exams are over, my holidays have started and I'm back.
Bex x

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