Gryffindor Wins, Again...

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Lily P.o.V
I was so excited, it was my first quidditch match of the season and I was determined to win, especially because it was against Slytherin.
I was the seeker and had been trained by the best, Dad.

As I got ready for the match I saw Hugo and Liza putting the final touches on the banner they had spent weeks making.


We won. Again.
Which made me very happy, and Malfoy (Slytherins seeker) very annoyed which was always amusing.
Rose was happy for us but of course she was sad for her boyfriend.

"Ahhh....Congrats Lily" Liza screamed into my ear as she hugged me,
"Thanks Liza" I tell her "but you're kinda deafening me"
"Sorry" she says releasing me from her death grip.
"Well done Lily" Rose tells me, fairly curtly I might add
"Thanks, Scorpius did well too" I tell her just as curtly.
"He did, didn't he?" She smiles before saying her goodbyes and joining her boyfriend.

"I'm so proud of you Lily" Al says coming up behind me,
"Thanks Albus" I tell him looking up to my older brother, "you know we should really catch up soon, The Three Broomsticks, next weekend?" I ask him
"Yeah, definitely" he tells me, and then he smiles.

Sorry it's short again,
I'm just so busy
Sorry for the excuses
I'll see you next week
Bex xx

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