not chapter but important note MUST READ

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Hiya. Going straight to the point here, so I haven't updated for a long while now and I apologized for that. Now, I do have at least four or five chapters in my drafts, but they're not edited, and I don't want you to read it while it's unedited. 

I contacted the person who's helping me edit but they haven't responded which is alright. After all, we're all busy with school and other things.  

if one of ya can help me just this time to edit a chapter I would ever so thankful to you. Now I'm not forcing you and a few might wonder why I can't do it myself and the answer is simple. I suck at grammar. I'm sorry! (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')

anyway if you want to help don't be hesitate to pm me. And to make it easier and faster to update for now a person can edit a chapter separately. If ya want to do that. ~(>_<。)\

I know you were expecting a chapter and I apologize that this isn't one but I will make it up to you by writing more and probably start updating weekly if I have someone to help me with the editing. 

see ya 

- chewya 

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