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Three whole agonizing months have passed since Madara's arrival at Musutafu, Japan. The city was filled with advanced technology, which he didn't recognize at all.

He turned, no longer able to see the TV that was displayed in the window of a store he was standing in front of. It showed All Might, the symbol of peace and the number one hero of Japan.

"All Might..." He mumbled under his breath.

Heroic acts are something very common in this world, in fact, the best paying job is being a hero. There are classes for this career path, as many young teens aspire to be heroes. Most want to climb to the top for fame, glory, and money. Only a small percentage seemed to be trying to become real heroes.

But who was he to judge anyway? After all, he is considered a villain for the actions he committed in his world.

But that is all in the past.

'This place limits my movements' He thought, sneering to himself.

His first plan was originally to seek information from others, or at least, try to. It seemed as if every corner he rounded, there was one or more pro heroes on patrol, diligently searching for crime and upset.

"I should just beat the crap out of him" Madara was referring to the hero who wasn't focusing on his job. Instead, he was showing off his costume and boasting nonsense from his mouth. It seemed that even with the number of heroes, there were still people who lacked the mentality needed to survive and fight.

After all, no one could be compared to him.

His own will, that rivaled the power of all his hatred, never allowed him to surrender.

Walking away from the boasting fool, he headed towards a bookstore situated on the corner of the block. It was quite easy to find information about heroes in bookstores.

His hand glided over the spines of the books, stilling as he found the one he was looking for.

"An Ultimate Hero Guide: Volume 1"

Sliding the book out from the shelf, he flipped through the pages, reading the content as he activated his Sharingan. His eyes blazed a brilliant red as he closed the book, and he set it back gently onto the shelf. Data on any hero or potential opponent could be found anywhere. Even a villain could find a hero's weakness just by reading. He bobbed his head slightly at the information gleaned. It seemed the heroes were cocky about their ability to fight and their skills. He personally thought it was completely idiotic to showcase all of your skills and weaknesses to the public. It was like asking to get killed.

"The U.A High exams are coming up just next month, and I'm not even close to being ready! What about you? Haven't you been training for the exam for the past few months?" One of them said as they seem to be killing time.

"Pft, training is for the weak. Once I get accepted, I'll wipe the floors with those stupid villains." A haughty grin appeared on the other boy's face.

His friend didn't seem impressed at his remark, furrowing his brow, but said nothing further. The two made their way towards the back of the store, nearing him. As the two passed Madara, he felt the idiotic one attempt to sneak his hand behind him, near his back pocket.

'Did he just-'


Leaving the bookstore, Madara felt a little more elated than usual. Ignoring it, he continued down the street, looking for another bookstore to find more information.


(Inside the store)

Two teens were on the floor, each with three bumps protruding from their heads. They had been knocked unconscious and they twitched slightly from the ground. One was knocked back into a bookshelf, which had now joined ground with him, while the other was leaning in an inelegant manner against another bookshelf.

"You know what?" One of the guys whispered.

"What?" The other groaned in pain.

"Let's not come here anymore."

"I couldn't agree more."


Not even a month later, there he stood in front of a school. Just looking at the building, you could tell they were well funded. The entire building was covered with glass that glimmered in the sun, and everything shone like new. Within a short period of time, there was only one place that could give Madara the information and entertainment he needed.

" U.A High, Huh? This will need to end my boredom, otherwise, I might do something irrational." The longhaired man strolled in confidently, ready to face whatever these weaklings tried to test him with.

Words 795

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