Chapter 2

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Mom I am hungry." Hueningkai said as soon as he entered the house. "Mom!" He was pretty insistent with it. "Your Mom has gone out boy let me work in peace" Hueningkai's dad grunted annoyed at his shouting.

Hueningkai rolled his eyes and went to his room. "Wait! We have to go to your wedding shopping tonight." His dad called out to him not shifting his focus from the laptop in front of him.

Hueningkai hummed and collapsed in his bed. He took out his phone and scrolled through Instagram as he reached for the half eaten chips bag on the bed side table. He stumbled upon Soobin's account. Curiosity got the best of him so he decided to check out Soobin's account.

"Geez is this account his or a Mina's fan account." Hueningkai mumbled to himself. Soobin's posts were ninety percent about Mina this ,Mina that. He got curious over this and decided to check out Mina's account. There was not a single post about Soobin, literally nothing. It was all her and her friends.

To be honest her whole account is narcissistic though, too many selfies and extra cringe captions.

The sound of the door opening interrupted Hueningkai's monologue. He ran down to see his Mom stumbling with ton of shopping bags flooding her arms. "Get ready! We are going to meet the groom family in fifteen minutes. Later everything will be decided from the theme and all." Hueningkai's mom said in a hurry as soon as he caught the sight of him.

Hueningkai groaned and motioned towards his hoodie," But I am ready!!" He whined not really wanting to change from the comfy layers in the chilly weather. His mom glared at him," Kai Kamal Huening you are not meeting your future husband with whatever that is."

 "Its a hoodie mom!"

"I don't care it looks hideous, same shit different colour and everyday." She said furiously moving around her hands around. He tsked out and pulled himself to change.

His mom was too overwhelming, She wanted everything to be fancy. And the art class he went to was an elite one only for rich kids almost like a private institution. He insisted on going to a normal Art Class. But she refused almost immediately telling how the paparazzi would make articles about him and what not. He never cared about all that stuff, only wanted a normal life but being the heir is not fucking easy. "Kai!" With that he rushed to find clothes for himself.


"Mhmm Babe,not now." Mina breathed out to stop Soobin from kissing her. They decided on a movie night before his wedding..... Yep Soobin was getting married at twenty two to a person he hasn't even seen once in his life. His dad did give him the option to run away with his girlfriend Mina to avoid the marriage. So the decision was in his hands. His mom doesn't know about it though, but his dad always loved him a bit too much and he believed his priority would be Soobin rather than his own pride and company. Though he had a weird way of expressing his love.

Should I get married and stay to protect my father's company and pride or runaway prioritizing myself first.

A tap broke him out of his trance. "Hey you ok?" Mina asked with a concerned face to which he smiled softly. "With you by my side I always will be." He replied with a corny smile to which Mina cringed but giggled nonetheless. "That was so cheesy."
"Only for you babe." A wink was sent her way which made her blush and for Soobin that was the most beautiful sight he had laid his eyes on.

A knock interrupted the couple's night. "What is it? " Soobin grunted annoyed. He was getting all cozy and ready to cuddle but now what! "Soobin honey, we promised to meet your future husband later didn't we, we will have to go now. "His mom's voice rang out through the house. "What ?! I never agreed to it and don't call him my future husband, he was and will be a no one for me!" Soobin screamed enraged.

"I am sorry Son but we have to go,Just a day more after the marriage you can do what you like." His dad asked him In a pleading tone. "You can even live with Mina itself." His dad said. "Fine" came the reply from Soobin who reluctantly got up and sent Mina away with a promise to meet later and a longing kiss. "Be there at 7 AM sharp." Soobin's eyes narrowed gazing at her intensly.
"Will do you better keep your promise." She replied.

He just put on his black hoodie with black puma sweatpants. He wanted to make as bad impression on the other's parents as much as he could. He did not want to get married but he also wanted to become a Company's CEO and save his dad's crumbling business.

His mom gulped hard as soon as she saw him, "S-son a little bit of courtesy please." Her voice cracked at the end indicating how unhappy she was with the whole fiasco. She knew Soobin and Hueningkai's rivalry and the reaction when they get to know is gonna be a mess. But there really was no other way, who could be a better person for taking care of Pristine and Bottled Heaven joint venture other than Soobin. He had the necessary charms, the mind of a predator and calculative patience.

He could woo anyone and shun them out in seconds not to mention he was extremely gifted in the field of business. "Soobin listen to your mother." Soobin's dad voice was stern as he looked at the younger male who had a scowl on his face, from when the notation of his marriage was known the scowl seemed permanent on Soobin's face and now it mirrored his dad perhaps even a more meaner version. Soobin only rolled his eyes to his dad and went to get dressed up properly. He selected a pinstriped blue shirt and dress pants, nothing too fancy but casual enough.

He wasn't like Yeonjun, a fashionista but he definitely did spend some time on his dressing for special occasions unlike his worthless rival Hueningkai, who literally wore Track pants with Combat boots for the high school prom. Still he managed to get a few girls running behind him.

Pfft those stupid people think Senpai notice me shit is hot.

He scoffed at the thought. He could get Hueningkai to drool for him within a second and here those poor girls chased him around assuming him straight when he was totally gay. And that was one more topic to pick Hueningkai on.

Ok why the fuck am I thinking about that weird ass dude,
The Gucci sales woman ran towards Hueningkai as his family entered the store. Instantly his mother buzzed along asking for the latest fashion pieces of suits for him. Hueningkai tucked his hands into his pockets as he strolled around the shop. He never liked shopping anyway since even if he did shop then too it would be useless since his Mom would have replaced his selection with her choices quoting it as bland and boring. But he had to admit that his Mom's sense of fashion was cool ,sometimes a bit flashy but other than that it was cool but Hueningkai was lazy and a brat so he was done with everything and everyone by nature.

"Mom!" The familiar voice halted him in his tracks to see Choi Bitch Soobin standing there with his family. His mother and Hueningkai's mother were going on talking like chums that's when Hueningkai realized that he was doomed.

Great! The joy I feel when getting married to my rival from 3 years.

Likewise Soobin too was frozen, when he saw Hueningkai for an entirely different reason.
Sooo they met 😅
What do you think will happen next?
Votes and comments are appreciated 😁
Love ya moas 🖤

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