Chapter 23

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Soobin wasn't himself anymore. He had already lost half of his usual demeanor, but now he was totally gone. He was always strict to his employee,almost like he had a stick up his ass the whole time. But now... the small glimmer sympathy towards his colleagues had vanished totally.

"BRING ME THE FILES FREYA" He barked at his secretary. She cringed at the loud noise but nonetheless ran out of the office. He kept shouting and the number of employees he has been firing recently have crossed over 20.

Mina in house wasn't making it any better too. He would always shout her out or shun her. Soobin had always been a workaholic,but now it just got worse. Making himself busy, scarce with sleep and food. And he also got himself a new pet, a small python to be exact. Why? Oh well Soobin can't rant about Hueningkai to anyone else now can he.

Ever since Beomgyu and Yeonjun have got to together they have been wiped off the radar. Taehyun's only more confused and depressed. He drinks and drinks, blaming himself for Hueningkai's disappearance. But ever since he gained the knowledge Hueningkai acting, He has been a bit better finding new friends and all, But sadly Soobin did not make it to the friend list.

Soobin never missed an episode of Eyes off you, Till now nothing major has happened ,they only went till handholding and cheek kiss. That night, the poor python suffered a lot. Soobin held him up,slept on him and basically crushed him and later used him as a tissue.

It was a miracle that the snake did not kill him then and there. But it sure was cranky the next day, hissing when he attempted to let him. Five episodes were over, today the sixth episode would release.

Soobin bought a new Television, and procrastinated to see the drama. Sometimes he would even dismiss the most important business meetings for the stupid drama. And today happened to be one of those days.

"Freya cancel today's meeting please." He said packing his stuff up. "Oh but sir,this is related to Tan corporation they have a proposal to make, the sponsors and the advertising market CEO'S would be attending too. This is the release of a new product." She reasoned with him, but he looked as stern as ever. "Don'" He said his form adapting a menacing stance.
"S-Sorry S-Sir" She stuttered out. He slammed the glass door and got into the elevator.

Freya watched after him worried,no matter how stern he was he was still the boss, and the impeccable work load pushed her peers to tears. She sighed out remembering the Part from a few days. Freya Dialed a number,"I need your help" She breathed out,urgency in her tone quite audible.


Soobin opened his door, instantly rushing to his room. He pulled his laptop in an smooth move, and threw the bag of chips to the python nearby. The python visibly shuddered when the BGM of the drama started playing.

Soobin bit on his nails watching the scene unfold in front of him. Eunwoo and Hueningkai are alone in the classroom currently.

Soobin wails at this looking at the python,"Did you see that? How are they the only ones to end up being alone and don't the others care about them? What kind of logic is this Eunwoo?" He sighed exasperated, and yes the python's name was Eunwoo since the guy was a snake, metaphorically and quite literally.

Soobin was so immersed that he did not hear the door opening and a tall figure dressed in black entered his home. He took slow and steady steps weirded out listening to Soobin speaking to himself. Soobin's room was open, he peeped inside and instantly screeched on finding a huge python curled on the bedpost.

"Yeonjun!!" Soobin exclaimed looking at his fallen friend. "What the fuck, Bro GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME" He shouted in horror as the snake hissed back defensively. "Ok,hold up, lemme lock the room" Soobin hurried out to say. He locked the room and walked out to the hall where Yeonjun was gulping down water, his face tramautised.

"WHAT IN THE BLIMEY HELL DO YOU HAVE IN THIS GODFORSAKEN HOUSE" Yeonjun screamed. "It's my pet"Soobin said pouting. "ITS A SNAKE" Yeonjun let out a very manly screamed again. "Yeah" Soobin said still not understanding.


"-Yeonjun I think you should stop screaming now, my ears would be bleeding if this continues and I bought it because it doesn't eat much, eats anything you give does not bark or meow and also doesn't excrete much."

"-God, you are fucking stupid." Yeonjun said in incredulity.

"-And what is this fiasco with Hueningkai acting and all?" Yeonjun asked rubbing his palms together.

"He said that he would give me a divorce " Soobin said devoid of any expression. "W-what? He actually said that! Damn thought he loved you too much for it"

"-Yeah and like a fool I ruined it"

-"You did,Not gonna lie,But it's not too late for you to talk Soobin."

-"I did,but he did not listen,just...just told that I chose Mina"

-"Well do you want to be with Mina?"

-"Honestly I am not sure anymore."

Soobin sighed. " Fancy some Vodka?" Soobin asked approaching the Refrigerator. "Sure" Yeonjun followed, plopping on the couch. "Now tell me Soobin, Whom do you really want to be with. " Yeonjun firmly said taking a sip of his drink,relishing the burn of his throat.

-"Well I do care for both, Mina is my first love and I do love and care for her. She did do some vile things, lying to me and all. And I don't even get jealous if she is with any other guy. Like no butterflies or that eagerness...nothing it's basically void. I do feel some warmth, but not the same kind I feel for Kai."

-But then Hueningkai is a whole different story, I want to hold him,kiss him and I want to be the one for him, I always think about how plump his lips are-"

-"Skip the details please"

-"Right that's basically it, all these I am missing with Mina I get that with Hueningkai."

-"You love him Soobin, Fight for him.....Don't let him go away. You do love him very much and it's quite obvious you fell out of love with Mina, it's ok you cannot control your feelings. So stop sympathizing and feeling guilty for Mina" Yeonjun said.

Soobin hummed and leaned his head on Yeonjun's shoulder.

He will get him back one day, call him a selfish prick if you must. But he needs Hueningkai.
So what do you think about Eunwoo the python?🙃
Let me know!!!
Good day/ Good night
Love ya Bonbons 💞💞

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