Chapter 15

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"Hello Kai!!" Eunwoo's voice rang out in the almost empty road. Hueningkai waved as much enthusiastically and opened his arms for a hug.

Eunwoo basically jumped on him, clinging on to the smaller male like a koala. Hueningkai laughed and tightened his grip. They parted after a few good seconds.

"So how did you like my new drama?" Eunwoo asked his eyes sparkling. "I loved it! Are you kidding me? You looked so freaking good, I wouldn't mind smashing at all" Hueningkai said while clapping his hands faster than any seal. "Damn I did not know you would like it this much." Eunwoo said wrapping his arms around Hueningkai's waist as they climbed on his motorcycle. "You bet" Came the reply as they sped towards thier pond.

"I am assuming Soobin wouldn't have liked you seeing the thing that much" Eunwoo asked his tone smug. "Trust Me, Soobin was on the verge on hunting you down and killing you himself, He hated it when I fanboyed over you" Hueningkai said with a chuckle.

Both of them kept joking around and talking away for hours. They had been seeing each other for a week now, occasional trips to McDonald's and the pond.

Soobin was way too busy,he had another company to take care of,He went in early morning and came back at late nights. Hueningkai would have cooked for him, and slept. Soobin would have the food and cuddle Hueningkai, placing a goodnight kiss and snuggling further.

It had been a week,since both of them got married. Their scenario was too domestic, Hueningkai would cook, some days he would be up early and spend some time with Soobin, helping him to wear a tie , later cook for him, meet Eunwoo if he had no shooting or stay at house and waste time.

Soobin loved it nonetheless, he was only a little upset that he couldn't see his angel and spend enough time with him. He hated Cha Eunwoo and the fact that his husband was the guy's friend did not sit well with him.

Also he was jealous of the fact that Hueningkai kept swooning for the actor, and specifically making time to see the drama every monday. Soobin was annoyed at the extensive attention given....but it could not be helped. After all he cannot dictate Hueningkai's life.


  "Eeek" Hueningkai's squeak was high pitched as the wolf tackled him to the ground. He giggled adorably as the animal proceeded to lick him in the name of affection.

Eunwoo smiled fondly at the sight as he called Azure to himself. The wolf was definitely heavy and Hueningkai's ragged breaths showed that. Azure chased Eunwoo around, and switching between running behind the two tall humans.

Hueningkai dropped to the ground from exhaustion as he finished playing with their huge fury friend. Eunwoo plopped to the ground beside him.

"Hueningkai,tell me something." Eunwoo's voice was dead serious and grabbed Hueningkai's full attention.
"Yes?" He answered carefully.

"Are you happy with Soobin? "

"Yeah! Of course I am!! Why'd you ask?

"Truth Kai, I was fooled by your smile earlier but now your eyes indicate that you are troubled."

"Damn should have been Detective rather than an Actor."

Eunwoo chuckled at Hueningkai's statement.
"Answer" Eunwoo still said with determination.

"Fine, Mina has given a break but I doubt it will remain that way, she might come back,Soobin still loves her.....she will always be his first love."

"Mhm then?"

"I am scared that Soobin will want to do nothing with me when she comes back,he loves her a lot and I am just a mere distraction....He might like me,but his love for her is stronger."


"And it is unfair for Mina just as it is for me, she loves him with everything she has. Judging from her behavior,she is a tsundre but she likes him alright. I have known Soobin for only a one and half month and I feel like I am stealing him away from her."

A sigh from Eunwoo followed.

"I feel terribly guilty."

The somber look of the Hueningkai broke Eunwoo. The boy was too good and considerate for his own good. He couldn't believe this precious person has to face all this.

He couldn't argue with Hueningkai's words too,since he knows only half and it is true. It is unfair for all the three of them courtesy of their inconsiderate parents.

He opened his arms wide for Hueningkai to snuggle into, who complied quietly, small tears shedding down his cheeks. Eunwoo placed a small peck on his forehead amd hugged him tighter.


"I am back home angel" Soobin announced gleefully as he entered their home. Hueningkai was nowhere to be found. He frantically called and checked all the rooms ,His mobile was switched off.

At the same time he heard the bell ring,with a sigh of relief Soobin elran towards the door, heart beating in anticipation to see Hueningkai. The sight at the door was not quite what he expected.

There stood Mina, hands wringing with nervousness and a fallen look on her face. "H-hey" Soobin maintained a stoic expression despite the total conflict, a part of him felt happy to see the girl he loved.

"What do you want" it came out harsher than expected, the visible flinch of Mina being the proof of that.

"I...I came to apologize, What I did was a bitch move and I am sorry."

"Its Hueningkai you should apologize for"

"Yes...Yes I'll do"

"I don't have all night!"

"How was the wedding?"

Mina immediately closed her eyes tightly expecting a harsh response but slowly peeked out when none came.

"Why did you do it?" Soobin asked in a small whisper. Mina gulped hard,
" I was desperate ok? I loved you and I still do but ypu are not mine anymore...It hu-hurts"

Hot tears rolled down her cheeks and Soobin teared up too. Right at that moment, a hum was heard as Hueningkai entered the apartment. His cheery mood turned down witnessing  the situation.

He raised a questioning eyebrow at them. "I came to apologize, I am sorry for lying and all." Mina stated dabbing her eyes. "She really is" Soobin prompted a longing look in his eyes.

But suddenly his eyes turned steely as he gazed at Hueningkai. "Where the hell were you?" He gritted out.

"I was with Eunwoo , I already told you about him."

"Nice You go spending time with your precious Eunwoo!WHAT ABOUT ME!"





"You over exaggerating Stuff SOOBIN!"

Mina watched uncomfortably as the couple argued in front of her,but a small hope glimmered within her. Soobin still loved her and the fight was....unsettling too.

She slowly exited the house while grinning like a Cheshire cat. Meanwhile the argument in the house continued louder than ever. It ended with the two sleeping in different rooms, one in the hall and the other in the bedroom.

And no guestrooms were there courtesy of rare visitors. Another argument for that followed and finally they managed to fall asleep.
Heyooo Bonbons!!, Its been reallly looooong. Thank you for the 1k reads😭😭
It's been Two years of togetherness with TXT!!🥰🥰
They were through a lot, just within two years but they stood strong achieving great feats!☺
4th gen leaders,I am proud and in awe just how strong they were with all that unesccesary hate!!😩
They have given us a lot to learn about!!🤩🤩
Happy anniversary to our world!!💞💞
Love ya Bonbons!💖💖
Take care and Signing out

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