Chapter 21

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A week later

Soobin was sitting calmly on his chair, his head thrown back. His work was getting stressful, he had no one to share his work burden with. But he was the one who drove Hueningkai out. He sighed out aloud,pushing his hair out of his face and leaning back while gulping with his Adam's Apple bobbing up amd down.

"Whoa!" He heard a voice he never thought he would hear again from, Hueningkai was standing there looking as beautiful as ever. It is a sin for someone to look so fucking ethereal. Soobin once again sighed disappointed, damn he really needed to control himself.

" If you plan on getting me back,by seducing it won't work Choi Soobin" Hueningkai said rolling his eyes. Soobin's pride was in hand, So he did the only thing he was capable of. Shout at him."What the hell do you want?, and please don't flatter yourself,I have a beautiful woman waiting for me in my home. I wouldn't aim for someone who looks as half as pretty as her." He said harshly, gritting his teeth. He did stab Mina after all.

"Liar" Hueningkai simply said,his lips curving into a sly smirk. If there is something he learnt from acting,it is to mask his emotions well. "Get out" Soobin scowled pointing towards the door. "Make me" Hueningkai whispered,raising his eyebrow in challenge.

"Just....Can you not do this right now,I have work to do than dealing with your nonsensical issues." Soobin said returning to his work. "Well you won't have to anymore" Hueningkai said with a straight face devoid of any expression.

He pulled out an envelope and passed it to Soobin. "What is this?"Soobin asked as he proceeded to open the envelope.

"It is an invitation for the celebration party actually, Since the drama eyes off you is a big shot and Pristine Perfumes are the sponsors of it,you are requested to join the party with an acquaintance." Hueningkai's voice was robotic as if he had practiced the statement a billion times. "Why are you handing me this?" Soobin asked confused.

He got a small snicker in return,"Maybe if you watch the episode today you will know what I am talking about" With that Hueningkai stalked slowly towards Soobin and bent towards him, matching his height to the other's sitting form.

"Why do you think I will see it?" Soobin asked defiantly "Cause I am in it darling,staring in it and Do give the review because it's quite obvious you will see my drama" Hueningkai whispered deliberately close to Soobin's ear who shuddered at the proximity.

He placed a light kiss on Soobin's earlobe,then dragged his lips across his cheeks. Then he placed a small peck at the corner of his lips, just when Soobin's hand rose up to touch him. He moved away with the speed of light.

"Uh,uh Mister save it,not so easily darling" With that Hueningkai strutted away swaying his hips amd a proud smile. "OH! And it airs at 7pm, and your work will end today,See you at the party!" With Hueningkai exited the room, leaving Soobin with a dazed mind and flushed.

Because that Hueningkai was hot, and who was Soobin to resist his charms. His hands were sweating, short breaths coming out in puffs.

Was Hueningkai going to play a tree in the drama Oh! It would be a relief if he did play a tree, but Soobin shook his head to clear the ridiculous thought. He was in a drama not a school play.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Soobin asked himself holding his head.
He definitely wasn't gonna see the drama and never in hell attend that party never.


"Eek" Hueningkai squealed as Eunwoo continued tickling him on the couch. Hueningkai giggled uncontrollably and had tears in his eyes.

Hueningkai had come back from Soobin's office all gloomy. He remembered the insults thrown at him by Soobin. He hated that it still affected him. He wanted to remain nonchalant but it became quite arduous considering that he still has feelings for Soobin.

Eunwoo found him on the couch moping on his insensitive jerk of a husband. He sighed and in turn to cheer Hueningkai up,he started tickling him and that's how they ended up in the current state. The alarm of Hueningkai's phone rang as he turned to see.

"Eunwoo!! ITS SEVEN,I HOPE I DID WELL" Hueningkai screeched and grabbed the remote pulling Eunwoo beside him abruptly. "Oh god I hope it's not cringeworthy" He mumbled even though he knew he was going to cringe. "Hey it's ok, My first drama was worse." Eunwoo said laughing. Hueningkai clinged to Eunwoo's hand, getting comfortable. His stomach churned in anticipation and the drama began with a recap.

On the ther hand, Soobin was also hounding the remote tightly in his hand. Mina was as usual outside shopping with her friends. Not that he cared anyway, what was more important was what was Hueningkai going to be? He promised he wouldn't see,bit here he was clutching the pillow, as his throat burned.

He checked in the internet and all the tabloids had this news of Hueningkai acting viral. His parents had called him asking what all this was about, he informed them that He knew Hueningkai was acting. His mom was elated to hear the news she kept praising Hueningkai for standing on his own feet. His father was a whole different story.

His head snapped toward the screen as the Bgm began with the recap of the previous episode. He gulped almost crushing the pillow. The first half was boring, he did not even understand half of it. Soobin was convinced that Hueningkai was playing a tree.Twenty minutes passed this way.

Soobin was almost dozing off, when the music changed. Eunwoo had started talking about his past love. That's when Hueningkai made a dramatic appearance. Soobin swore his breath stopped when he looked at Hueningkai because, the guy with makeup was even more beautiful if possible.

He wore a school uniform, his hair parted to show his glorious forehead. His lips a darker shade of pink and he had lens on. Hueningkai was practically glowing, when the light was casted on him. The screen shifted to Eunwoo who looked just as mesmerized.

Soobin's expression turned sour. "It better be acting, or I am going to rip you down." Soobin muttered. Hueningkai directly approached Eunwoo and that made Soobin's blood boil. They began conversing and giggling, Hueningkai even blushed at one point. Safe to say, Soobin looked like a Turkey. Veins popping out and his face a beet red.


Further, Hueningkai asked Eunwoo on a date and Eunwoo replied with an enthusiastic yes. That was the last straw for Soobin,he.....broke the poor Television whose only sin was broadcasting the show. "Honey you ok?" He heard Mina coming into the house. "Yeah I am ok, just a bit stressed." Soobin replied massaging his temples.

He directly went into his room turning a blind eye to the woman in the room. Mina, shrugged confused by the whole outbreak and went into another room. She wasn't in the mood to deal with Soobin's temper tantrum now. Soobin had his laptop on, with the same drama playing. He hid under a bedsheets watching it intensely.

This is only the starting....😅

Anyway your thoughts about Jealous Choi?
I'll meet you in the next chap!
Love ya Bonbons!😍🥰

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