Chapter 26

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Soobin glances at the interruption in annoyance. A deep sigh emitted from him seeing the one and only Cha Eunwoo holding his arm. "What the fuck do you want?" He spat shaking off Eunwoo's grip on him.

Hueningkai quickly excused himself from the director and headed towards his friend who looked ready to fight. Before Eunwoo could retort to Soobin's comment, Hueningkai pulled them both to his dressing room which was devoid of any humans.

"What the hell is wrong with you both?" He burst out at the two taller men. "Soobin! You are the fucking CEO of two companies for God's sake! Do you know how many people keep tabloids on you and You! Cha Eunwoo... You know better than to fight and tarnish your reputation. " He exploded , with a hand on his waist and his ears and face was as red as tomato.

The guilty duo thought he was adorable, but they did not voice it out since a huge wood block was within Hueningkai's reach and he looked like he wouldn't hesitate to hit them with it.

"Sorry.." Both of them mumbled at the same time, but later glared at each other. "So Mind telling me why you are here Soobin?" Hueningkai asked ignoring the two mentally killing each other. "To Take you home of course" Soobin said with a straight face.

Eunwoo laughed out aloud,covering his mouth. "The fuck you laughing at?" Soobin scowled viciously. "You-You are joking right?" Eunwoo said between his chuckles. "Do I look like I am?" Soobin said with a dead serious face.

"So...You throw him out because of some Mina bitch but now as soon as he calls you in, you want him running back to you?" Eunwoo said gritting his teeth. "And that issue should concern you because?" Soobin asked with resting bitch face not even batting an eye at the third person standing in the room.

Hueningkai tried interjecting but he was cut off by Eunwoo. "I am his fucking friend who was there when you threw him out of your house for some bitch" Eunwoo spat out, his veins popping out.

"Mina.Isn't.A.Bitch" Soobin said stepping closer to Eunwoo with every word."She is someone I love" He said again pointing his fingers and grinding his teeth together. "That clearly states that you are one too, Heh Did not expect something better from you" Hueningkai shuddered at the venomous voice Eumwoo was using. This was totally new to Hueningkai, Eunwoo is the gentle giant and now he was anything but that.

"You are no one to judge my taste, Atleast I don't go after married men" Soobin glowered at Eunwoo. "He IS MY FRIEND WHOM I GAVE SHELTER TO, NOTHING MORE" Eunwoo shouted back. "Guys how about we do this next time and can you stop fighting" Hueningkai was blissfully ignored by the duo who were throwing dirty looks at each other.

"Look At you all pathetic" Eunwoo said pushing Soobin's buttons. Soobin grabbed Eunwoo's collar on impulse while Eunwoo only looked ta him challengingly. "Go ahead, after all what I said was the truth, throwing your own husband out for a side bitch."

Soobin snapped, a punch was thrown at Eunwoo's face. He staggered back, enraged by the punch Eumwoo punched Soobin in his gut, which rewarded him with a painful grunt. Soobin tackled Eunwoo to the ground, punching his jaw repeatedly to Hueningkai's horror.

Eunwoo flipped them and kicked Soobin's ankle,while pressing his arm backwards in a painful position,Soobin slapped off Eunwoo's hand and punched his nose which bled at the force,Eunwoo was red with rage and rewarded Soobin a busted lip.

Hueningkai gawked at the fight taking place, these two idiots are absolutely ridiculous. "Stop!" He shouted trying to separate the two, but they kept kicking and punching each other.

"THAT'S ENOUGH" Huenimgkai's voice boomed throughout the room as he tore them away from each other. For someone so sweet, Hueningkai was definitely strong.

"And I am not coming with you Soobin, To that wretched house from which you pushed me out. I have some self respect and I am not come running back to you, just because you asked" Soobin flinched at the cold voice. Each word from Hueningkai's mouth felt like a razor piercing his skin.

Hueningkai pulled a smirking Eunwoo away,but he stopped right at the door" And expect the divorce papers by tomorrow morning Mr.Choi" with that the door slammed leaving Soobin with a broken heart, a black eye and busted lip. He did Eunwoo bad too, the guy sported an ugly bruise on his jaw and a bloody nose.

Right now Soobin felt really light headed, and it wasn't long before black spots clouded his vision.

"Can you kiss it better?"
"Stop Eunwoo" giggles followed after that. Soobin woke up to the most cringeworthy sight.

Hueningkai was nursing Eunwoo's wounds while the guy was shamelessly flirting with him. Soobin fumed at the sight,he was more hurt that Eunwoo he even fainted but he still doesn't get his husband's attention. He pouted unknowingly at the thought,crossing his arms.

"Oh you are awake" Hueningkai said in a flat voice. Soobin looked up to see Hueningkai coming towards him with the same first aid kit and a plate of food. "Eunwoo would you leave us alone please" he said gesturing towards the door. Eunwoo grimaced at it, but complied nevertheless. Soobin looked at Hueningkai intently for a few minutes before finally speaking up.

"How did you know I fainted?" He asked. "Well, I left my bag the room and came to retrieve it back.. and you had blacked out. Me and Eunwoo carried through the back door to avoid any questions and the doctor said you fainted due to fatigue." Hueningkai asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah work has been a bitch lately. " Soobin lied even though Hueningkai could see right through it.

"Wrap it up Soobin, I know what is bothering you but I am not going into that house again." Hueningkai said with air of finality as he disinfected Soobin's wounds. Soobin winced slightly at the burning sensation,Hueningkai sighed at that and blew over the wounds to help him.

"Fine,I'll buy a new home...Please you are the one I need." Soobin begged him. "Did you tell that to Mina?" Hueningkai asked him. "I will" Soobin said quickly. "Do that first, shift to a new home then I will think about it" Hueningkai said as he finished Bandaging Soobin." Now eat it up and get some rest,I'll wake you up later" Kai said with a tender gaze.

He turned to leave when he heard a small whisper, "what?" He turned to look at Soobin. "Smoochie?" Soobin asked giving him puppy dog eyes. Hueningkai melted, and immediately peppered Soobin's wound with kisses, as Soobin pulled him closer by his waist. "Now rest" He said with a final peck to Soobin's forehead.

Damn Hueningkai for having a soft spot for his Soobin.
So we are nearing the book's end soon 😕
Thank you for the wishes guys!!it made my day more special ❤❤🥺
Love ya Bonbons!🥰😍

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