Chapter 16

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A cold war.....A cold war was ensuing in the house for about three days now. Hueningkai and Soobin did not talk to each other choosing only to communicate through written sticky notes.

It pissed off Hueningkai how much Soobin could change, he was being a total hypocrite. Cha Eunwoo was his friend and the only genuine one he dare say.

If Soobin ignorance isn't enough,Mina started visiting them every two days or so and Soobin has been giving endless attention to her. Taking her on dates and what not.

Hueningkai never commented on them both, just locked himself up in their shared room while Mina was here. He could hear their laughter from below.

It was his fault.....he was the third party here, Mina and Soobin were together from in university while Soobin and Hueningkai only fought. Hueningkai became eerily quiet. He never spoke to anyone always hiding it behind that charming smile of his.

Beomgyu and Taehyun did not care to find out why he was quiet in fact they were glad he was. Eunwoo tried a lot but Hueningkai wouldn't tell him. He himself did not have a lot of time and had to shoot so he couldn't give a lot of time for his depressed friend.

Hueningkai.... had random panic attacks too. But he chose to keep quiet about it, his ex kept reappearing telling him how worthless he is. Whiplash wounds still fresh in his memory, Familiar erratic breathing of terror and eyes filled with tears of pain. He could oy muffle his sobs pressing a hand hard against his chest to calm his heart and using the pillow to mellow the sound.

Hueningkai was sensitive, Soobin did not know that but about the abusive ex was known to him. Yet he payed no need to Sudden change in Hueningkai behaviour only brushed it off. Mina, she deserved more than being a side bitch of a married man.

He also thought about divorcing Kai but again a part of him wouldn't let him. Whatever feelings he conjured up in that two weeks of solitude with Kai went away......or he just buried them scared of change.


The sound and the scream had Soobin running towards Hueningkai's room. The source of the sound. The scene he witnessed made him see red. Mina was on the ground, her hand bleeding while Hueningkai had a knife in his hand. He remained expressionless but his eyes did show surprise.

"WHAT THE FUCK" Soobin fumed as he grabbed Hueningkai by his arm. His grip was tight, Hueningkai whimpered from the pain. "I ASKED WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Soobin asked the guy again shaking him furiously.

Hueningkai had a dazed look, the violent rattling was a bit disturbing. "I-I Di-did n-not do it" He managed go stutter out shaking his head furiously. Soobin looked at him dubiously as he plucked the knife out of his hand and held it his neck. "Then what is this a magic wand?" Sarcasm dropped from his voice.

"I did not do it! She cut herself and trusted the knife in my hand" Hueningkai was frantic now, his hands were shaking badly as sweat rolled off his forehead. "I DIDN'T DO IT" He was screaming now.

"S-Soobin." Mina called out to him delicately. Soobin released Hueningkai harshly amd was there by her side in an instant. "Yes baby, Are you alright?" He picked her up in bridal style and threw a glare towards him. "I'll deal with you later" He growled at Hueningkai and carried Mina to their shared room.

Hueningkai fell down his mind still hazy and his eyes blurry from the tears. Mina had come upto him and asked him to hold the knife. He had refused but she pleaded him, saying that she wanted to take a picture.

A questioning session followed but when he heard her saying that she would ask Soobin and maybe later about a knife play, He reacted in an instant telling her that he would do it. The rest passed in a blur, Mina suddenly cited her hand and threw herself on the ground wailing for Soobin.

Before he could comprehend the situation Soobin was rattling him. He remembered the tight grip, the memories of his ex manhandling him came back, the ugly bruises on his arm increases his panic, legs shivering.

At the same time,Soobin came out to find his husband on the ground. His hands balled up,"Get up". His voice was authoritative devoid of any emotions. "I Said Get Up" Soobin repeated again with a steely voice.

Hueningkai shuddered and got up, His head remained down, eyes down cast the insults sounding in his head clearer by the minute.

Worth less piece of shit, Attention whore, Good for nothing Slut, Bitch, You shouldn't have been born....

Hueningkai shakes more violently, a leaf in a heavy wind us more stable than the boy right now. "Pack your bags" Soobin sounded so cold.

"W-what?" Hueningkai whispered. "I said Pack your Bags, is that so damn hard to understand, I am not having you in my house." The you was spat with so much of venom that Hueningkai could literally feel it manifesting.

"GET OUT NOW!" Hueningkai has become a deathly pale. He was thrown out the same way every night when in that toxic relationship.

He drew a deep breath an stumbled into his room, packing all his bags in a  hurry. He couldn't stay for long and he did not want Soobin to find out.

He was never relevant anyway. Maybe he was just that unlovable. He threw a wary glance at Soobin whose face was still devoid of any twitch. "Why won't you trust me Soobin? Am I too hard to love- no atleast like." With that broken whisper and sullen face he exited the house.

He had no shelter now, Ara would cause more problems and he did not want to worry her. His hand automatically swiped the number of Eunwoo.

Eunwoo's enthusiastic voice greeted him." I was thrown out by Soobin." With those words he cut the call amd sent him his location. A reply of be there in 2 minutes came. Luckily atleast Cha Eunwoo,an angel by heart understood him.

The feeling of nausea and Hueningkai threw up on the side of the street, the very minute it started raining. Hueningkai couldn't handle it anymore. His head pounded from all the flashbacks, his skin a ghostly white his eyes dilated and purple bruises on his arm.

Well the consequences of being worthless.

With that he blacked out, falling to the other side road.
😭😭😭Hueningkai doesn't deserve this.  He is the sweetest baby ever. 💞I love him so much 😭
Thoughts on Soobin?
Love ya Bonbons!!😘

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