Chapter 6

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Mina hiccuped as she walked around the space,she couldn't get the sight of Soobin and Hueningkai kissing out of her mind. Even now both were together talking to the guests. Soobin had his arm wrapped around Hueningkai's waist,while the other held onto his shoulder.

Their smiles was looking real enough but Mina knew what was really happening. She bumped into someone making them curse. She looked up to see Ara,Soobin's mom who looked shocked to see her here."What the hell are you doing here?" She hissed. "Um nothing." Mina said awkwardly. "I'll get going..."
"No,Stay,Soobin will drop you off." Ara's voice was firm as motioned her to sit which Mina complied to.

The only thing that kept Mina from breaking down there itself was because of the people surrounding her. She did not want to make a drama. Just when Soobin and She were about to board the train,Soobin recieved a voice message from his dad.

"Soobin,This is your last chance...You are the CEO,not only will Hueningkai and his family be ashamed but everyone who trusted you will too,I am sorry son. I really am,but life will put us in difficult situations,the choices we make determine our destiny. Remember you cannot go back,once the path is chosen it is one way from there. Your Mom and I love you very much Soobinie, even though we don't show it very much." Soobin's eyes were glazed with tears as the recording ended.

Mina could practically see his gears in his head turning. So when he mumbled out a sorry amd ran,She wasn't that surprised. Mina knew it was coming she just knew. Honestly Soobin was such a softie for his family,a bit of affection shown he goes running back to them. Mina hated that with her whole soul.

Tears were cascading down her cheeks,She ducked her face down to not attract any attention. "Excuse me?" A voice called out awkwardly. She quickly dried her tears to see who was there, Joshua was standing there rubbing his neck. "If you could move a bit please." He asked,that's when she realised she was blocking the Restroom.
"Yeah,Sorry." She mumbled in embarrassment. He just flashed her a charming smile and made his way into the room.

"Mina!" Soobin's voice rang out in the yard. "I am so sorry, I-I couldnt let this happen, T-There w-were so-so many people trusting me....I couldn't let them down...." Soobin tried explaining,the frown on his indicating how unhappy he was.

"W-why did you do it?" Mina asked in a broken and hoarse voice. "I know it is not acceptable for me to leave you stranded-" Soobin said.
"Not that.......the R-rings." Her voice was now a mere whisper. Realization dawned upon Soobin,he face morphed into a mixture of guilt and anger. "Its because of Soomin, She bought Bloody Christmas rings which was a sore sight and I couldn' was Hideous." Soobin tried explaining but he himself knew that his words made no sense. Mina only looked at him.

Soobin's eyes started to tear up,He pulled her into a hug and kept whispering sorry's into her hair. Both were crying,Weak kitten punches were thrown at Soobin,which he would have found adorable if not for the situation.


Hueningkai was humming happily as he skipped towards his car,but an arm stopped him. He turned to see Ara who had an apologetic smile. "Darling,I think you will have to stay with Soobin,since he did mention about coming hometown meet you and it would look weird if you went in different cars. Sorry Sweetheart." She said.
Hueningkai groaned and fisted his hands.

Stupid Soobin amd his story, I am gonna whack his ass. Bitchface

He was cursing Soobin throughout the trip to Soobin's car. He was pushed into the owner seat by Ara. "I insisted." She said pointing to Mina. "It wasn't really necessary." Hueningkai said suppressing an eyeroll. "Oh!But it is." Ara said as she walked away.

Mina in the rear seat looked crestfallen. He looked at his ring,he wasn't stupid he figured out that the rings were supposed to Mina's and Soobin's. He felt bad for her,It wasn't her fault she fell in love with a douche like Soobin.

He sighed out aloud and looked outside the window. The car ride was silent. "We are dropping off Mina first." Soobin said. Hueningkai nodded and continued to look outside at the buzzing city roads.Soon they were at the destination. Soobin And Mina got down together. Hueningkai from his window could see them hugging and Kissing passionately.

He rolled his eyes and got out his phone to text Taehyun amd Beomgyu. Soobin sat back inside the car and drove Hueningkai home. "Go get your luggage." Hueningkai hummed and went out to bring his bag. He did not blink an eye towards his Mom and Dad who were arguing. They looked at him stunned at sudden appearance. But he just walked away like a bad bitch.

He pulled his suitcase and went to Soobin's car. Soobin came out and Hueningkai handed him the luggage hoping him to help. But Soobin only looked at him,"Don't expect me to do all that shit for you."
"Ahh a true gentleman." Came the sarcastic reply. "You better shut up."Hueningkai rolled his eyes and to annoy Soobin more he put on the radio and started shouting along.

He could Sing but what's the use of showing his skills to a dense bitch ,Singing to wall would be more euphoric than to a 70 kg poor excuse of a human.

They reached Soobin's house after a long drive. "There are no guest rooms since I barely have any over" Soobin said as he unlocked the door. "Oh no problem then you can sleep on the hall,I don't mind." Hueningkai said cheerfully with a fake smile.

" Excuse me?This is my house."

"Yeah So?"

"I am sleeping in my room."

"I am your guest bitch have some courtesy."

"You are my fiance so I don't have to act all formal."

"But you should be seeing the comfort of others Idiot."

"Gee I am the Top asshole,you better shut up and sleep in the hall."

They bickered for god knows how long. At last they comprised to sleeping in the same room. Hueningkai went to change first while Soobin stared off into space.
Hueningkai brushed and showered painfully slow to spite Soobin who had called him over five times.

He finally came out to see a really angry Soobin staring at him. He only smirked back.
Soobin seemed taken aback at the gesture,people usually would cower back."What thought you could intimidate me, Carrot chewing Fucker."
Soobin gritted his teeth and mumbled a I'll come for you later bitch and stomped into the bathroom.

Hueningkai wore shorts and an oversized hoodie. He sauntered into the kitchen playing with the drawstrings of his hoodie.


He rushed towards the sound, worried about Soobin. He entered the bedroom to see Soobin standing there with his ears closed and a vase on the floor.

"What the hell dude?" Hueningkai screamed. "Calm down,it slipped." Soobin replied,he was wearing track pants and a plain black T-shirt. Then there Hueningkai concluded that Black should be illegal on Soobin. He looked so fucking good.

Soobin noticed Hueningkai's drooling and smirked. "Enjoying it a bit too much angel?" He asked making Hueningkai. "Shut up." Hueningkai mumbled with a red face. "What was that you told earlier? Ahh I can't intimidate you right." Soobin said as he raked his predatory gaze all over Hueningkai.

He slowly stalked towards him mocking and taunting Hueningkai who only went shades of deeper red. "Oof" with that Hueningkai was pulled by Soobin,his hands were on Soobin's chest and their breaths mingled. Soobin leaned closer,Hueningkai did too but instead of meeting his lips a kiss was placed on his cheeks.


That's going to continue in next chap.....😏
I am sorry for being a tease😂
The above comic is adorable 😭😭
But maybe a double update might come up 😅
Hope you have a good day or night Bonbons!!😁
Love ya 😍

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