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Schalat and Quackity were on the ground and didn't know what just happened. Tommy was out from the fall of the tree he must have hit his head on his way down...

"Tommy..." Tubbo whispered 

"FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK... TOMMY!" Quackity yelled while getting up and seeing Tommy unconscious, Quackity went to check if Schalat was alright and indeed he was. He got up and saw Tommy sound asleep, and started to get his bow out to shoot him,

"NO!" Tubbo yelled coming from around a tree he was hiding behind

"Oh, Tubbo umm, nice to see you I said to meet me at sunset, but umm this is alright I guess..." Schalat said trying to hide Tommy behind him

"I'm not stupid Tommy is behind you..." Tubbo Mumbled as he was saying it he was worried he might end up getting shot so he stopped and just answered what Schalat said: "Ummm oh shoot sorry Schalat. If you and Quackity were chatting about something important then, I'll just walk around the forest..."

Tommy was still out, and Schalat wanted to kill him but Tubbo was there. So he ordered Quackity to tell Tubbo to cut some trees down farther away from here. Quackity did what he was told to do and demanded Tubbo to come with him.

Tubbo knew why Schalat wanted him away from here, cause he was going to kill Tommy. But Tubbo couldn't do anything cause they were ordered to do so and he didn't know what would happen if he didn't listen to the President of l'manburg or Manburg now... He just hoped nothing bad will happen to his best friend.

He saw Tommy getting up slowly so he distracted Quackity and Schalat as Tommy got up and ran to the base, well limped back to the base...

Tubbo then asked, "So Quackity which trees are we cutting?"

"Umm, I don't care just some fucking trees okay?" Quackity answered 

Quackity and Tubbo walked in the opposite direction where Schalat is, and Schalat turned around, started to get his bow out again, but saw Tommy was gone.

When Tommy got to the base he tripped down the stairs and hit his head again, he started losing consciousness. He got to Wilbur and then he collapsed. Wil saw Tommy about to fall so Wilbur went to catch him.

"Tommy, Tommy..." Wilber yelled while shaking him to wake him up 

"WHAT!" Tommy yelled as he got up

"Tommy are you okay?!? You collapsed right when you got to me!" Wilbur sighed

"Umm well, I was walking to go get some food for us, then Tubbo whispered to me and I yelled. Then I saw Quackity and Schalat so I hid in the closest tree and the branch broke. I hit my head and I guess I was out for a sec cause Schalat was up, so was Quackity. Tubbo was standing there I think trying to distracting them, but Schalat had a bow in his hand and it looked like he was going to shoot me, so I got up and ran/limped away back to the base. I think I tripped and hit my head and ya," Tommy answered,


 "I have a plan..." Wilbur Cackled

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