Plans don't always work...

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Schlatt spoke "Hello, Dream so what you bring you here with Techno. I heard you cried like a baby about Tommy he deser-" then dream cut him off

"YOU YOU... YOU DESERVE THE SAME FATE YOU KILLED A TEEN A FUCKING TEEEEN!" Dream yells while he walks to his cell and punches it in anger.

Schlatt actually looked scared for that moment but then gave an evil smile Techno saw him evil smile and got mad.

"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER! why are you smiling and first of all he didn't deserve it what the hell did he do to you?" Techno said 

Dream and Techno were mad than before seeing Schlatt the one who killed Tommy they wanted to kill him even more than before.

"I think I know why you here, you want to kill me but your too weak you know Techno you killed Tubbo in one of the futu-" Techno cut him off

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU YOU..." Techno yells at Schlatt

"OH I know a lot, ask Karl that kid knows the past to the future or the outcomes I asked him to see an outcome for this election and he said I would win in two futures, but in one I die so I made sure that doesn't happen and maybe I die in this story too or you two are too coward, hmm," Schlatt answered 

Dream and Techno didn't know what to say they just looked blankly at Schlatt they knew what they came to do but could it go wrong? is Schlatt not might to die is he might to just rot in a prison forever...

Techno took Dream aside and whispered "Dream, he says he doesn't die in this story in this present what do we do? do we just leave it alone or kill him cause he should have the same fate as Tommy, but what if..."

"Techno, maybe he overheard us talking I can't remember what we were talking about when we got in here maybe we were talking about the dreams we had and he is using it for his own?" Dream whispered back

"Okay, your right that could be the case but what if not what if he kills us somehow?" Techno whispers back again

"Techno at least we died in honour of Tommy..." Dream whispered back 

"Are you done with your secrets cause I was thinking of maybe a deal?" Schlatt told them

"A deal for what cause we aren't letting you out, you have nothing that could make us want to let you out." Dream explained 

"Alright well, I guess my fate death." Schlatt smiled 

Now at this point Dream and Techno were confused why Schlatt was smiling they were about to kill him but what they didn't know was who was behind them but Schlatt did and he knew his fate isn't death.

Dream and Techno put their armour on and took their swords out and they opened the cell where Schlatt was Dream stood at the cell door and Techno went in sword in hand he got ready to hit Schlatt, seconds later Techno's sword was in Schlatt arm and his arm cut in half the lifeless hand fell and red blood started to go everywhere on Techno Schlatt smiled and Techno looked behind him seeing Fundy there scared his tail down and he just stood there scared and not moving. 

Techno looked at Schlatt and gave him a rag so he could stop the blood where the other half of the arm was the cut was clean, you can see the bone and muscles. Fundy still stunned by what happened still was just standing there unknown what honestly just happened. Techno put his sword away, Dream looked at him confused unknown why he didn't kill him but then looked back to see Fundy standing there. Dream closed and locked the cell and they both headed over to fundy.

"What just happened..." Fundy asked still stunned by the events that occurred 

"Umm... we umm-" Techno tried to answer but Dream interrupted him

"SCHLATT DECEIVES THE SAME FATE AS TOMMY!" Dream yells and fundy starts to back away

"Umm, I think you guys should go home now! I don't think you should be here..." Fundy studdered 

"Sorry fundy we just didn't think..." Techno said and lower his head

Fundy saw Techno was just trying to still grieve so he decided to head over to the sad figure and hug him Techno wasn't expecting this and jumped when he felt the hug 

"Thanks, Fundy ya we should back to our homes, sorry again we should have thought about it beforehand it was a bad idea he should rot in jail for the rest of his life, we will see you tomorrow," Techno said as he let go of fundy and walked out the prison with Dream.

"Techno, why... let's head back to our homes I'll see you later." Dream left Techno to got back home, Techno just stood looking at the prison for a couple of minutes then started to walk to where Tommy died.

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