The Funeral...

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It was the day everyone was preparing for it took only 3 days to create Tommy's Funeral. 

Fundy, Dream, Sapnap, George, and many others helped them got everything completed all that was left was to show Tubbo, Techno, Wilbur and Phil, Fundy and Dream waited for them at the grave they looked at each detail and they thought this is what Tommy would have wanted and it was Tommy as a ghost was hiding and looking at what they did for him.

POV of Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno, and Phil

"TUBBO ARE YOU READY, WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Phil yelled upstairs 

Phil, Wilbur, and Techno were waiting even though they didn't need to be ready now they got ready so they can help if there is anything else.

"SORRY I'M COMING!" Tubbo yelled back downstairs 

Tubbo ran downstairs he wasn't ready at all he didn't have his suit jacket on or his tie, his pants were all wrinkled, and his hair was a mess.

"Umm Tubbo are you going like that?" Techno asked 

"Umm I UMM, SHUT UP!" Tubbo lashed out 

Phil saw Tubbo almost in tears and Techno was about to yell at Tubbo so he stopped Techno and pointed out that Tubbo isn't taking this day well, Wilbur was out of it too he wasn't listening he was just looking outside and it was raining and cold outside. 

"SO ARE WE GOING!" Tubbo yells with tears in his eyes Wilbur now snapped out of it and heard Tubbo and he knew he was just trying to be strong Tommy was one of the strongest out of us.

"YES! JEZZ!" Techno yelled then Phil slapped the back of his head "OUCH!" Techno yelled and touched the back of his head 

"Can we go now, please..." Wilbur said quietly 

"Yes, boys let's go. WAIT Tubbo are you actually going like that?" Phil said realizing Tubbo wasn't ready

tubbo said "Umm, I guess I just I-"  Phil interrupted him "Hey Tubbo do you need help or umm maybe just change into something comfy right now cause your a mess I guess we will come back, so Tubbo go upstairs and get your jogging pants on okay?" 

"Ya, I guess sorry we are late," Tubbo said with his head down

"Hey Tubbo Fundy and Dream are just showing us the grave we aren't late to anything okay, go upstairs and get changed we will wait here," Phil told Tubbo 

Tubbo nodded and headed upstairs, Phil waited until Tubbo was upstairs until he called Dream...

Call between Dream and Phil

Phil spoke, "HEY, Dream umm so we are going to be a bit late and I see that it's raining and-"

Dream interrupted "Phil don't worry, is it Tubbo?" 

"Yes... he isn't taking this day good at all he lashed out on Techno twice, he isn't ready at all so I told him to change into something comfy and we would come back so that's what he's doing, sorry," Phil told Dream

"Hey, it's not a problem he is just doing the finishing touches so take your time, if you just come to the funeral and see it then that's okay but I know you want Tubbo to come here to maybe help his thoughts, cause I heard they are getting bad again, anyway I'll see you in a bit come whenever okay?" Dream answered

"Okay, thanks Dream," Phil said 

"Not a problem any time." Dream answer and ended the call

POV of Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno, and Phil

"Tubbo are you okay!?" Phil yelled upstairs 

"Ya sorry, i i just umm trying to find umm something umm ya!" Tubbo yelled back down studdering 

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