The Impact... (Techno)

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"FUCK!" Techno yelled in the forest it was about 5 hours since Tommy dying, He had anger he wanted revenge he wanted to do a revenge kill, he wanted Schlatt dead gone out of existence. Techno never had this kind of loss in his life, and he rarely cried so crying 5 hours ago was sorta new to him everything was new to him he didn't know how to feel he just wanted revenge, 

Techno walked back to where Tommy was there was bright red blood on the nice green grass, he saw Wilbur walking over to him and it seemed like he had the same idea in his head maybe going back to where it all happened would help, but it didn't not for Techno he had more rage and tears started to form in his eyes seeing all the blood on the ground. there were 2 notes on the ground drenched in blood Techno picked it up one to Wil and the other said Big T the only person who called Techno Big T was Tommy, So he picked up the note and handed the note to Wilbur and they read their notes...


Dear Big T,

I'm writing this with a pencil I found in my pocket, Anyway...

Techno your reading this cause I dead and may not have said goodbye to me or maybe you did and you found this on my after, but don't worry I will always be your little bro and I will be here in spirit make sure Tubbo is okay he won't take my death in a good way his bee dead and I saw a side I didn't want to see from him he will try to be cheerful but deep down he's grieving and not in the best state so watch out for that, you were an amazing brother to me and thanks for everything I wish everything ended different I didn't mean for this to happen, Techno please take your sword back my blood might be stained on it but keep it safe I could have killed Schlatt with it but it was too late he had his sword out and impaled me, I felt pain techno I felt the worst pain ever and that pain told me this will be the last time I'll see anything and I won't see you guys...

I love you techno keep me in memory and please check on Tubbo OH and make sure Wilbur is okay anyway goodbye...

- Tommy 

Techno read the note over and over again and fell to his knees, and he cried, he saw Wilbur crying too reading the note. they both had no hope left.

"Wilbur, Let's go home," Techno told him as he held his hand out 

Wilbur took his arm and answered, "Alright, Techno I miss him..."

Techno looked at Wilbur tears falling from his eyes and pulled him into a hug then spoke "wil me too..."

The both of them walked back together, they saw Tubbo hitting a tree but didn't go near him cause his eyes had rage and they were scared if he would do anything but Techno saw Phil and he walked over to Tubbo and he tried to be cheerful but he was hurting deep down. Techno wanted to go over to Tubbo but he had no energy he still was crying but kept on wiping every tear the fell on his cheek to make him not seem weak but he was all four of them were weak, cause they lost someone special in their lives.

Techno and Wilbur got back to the base this was their home but it didn't feel like home it felt empty something was missing, even though Tommy lived with Tubbo before everything, It still felt empty so they headed to Phil's home, Techno guessed Tubbo was there but when he got to Phil's house he wasn't there.

"Hey, father where is Tubbo I thought he would have come home with you cause of the state he is in?" Techno asked Phil

"Oh he seemed alright he seems to be in a better state than all of us," Phil told him

Techno felt not right about this and was scared about Tubbo being alone cause what the note from Tommy said he wouldn't take it well and the anger in his eyes earlier well that wasn't him.

knock, knock

Techno went to answer the door but Phil was there before him, he anyway stood there to see who it was and what they wanted, It was Sapnap and he told them he's going to held a meeting to talk about everything and what we should do, also talk about Tubbo. When Techno heard what he said he knew tubbo wasn't good at all.

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