Each day at a time

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24 hours After Tommy's Death

~ POV no one ~ 

It was 24 hours since Tommy died, Tubbo still had those voices in his head and he told Phil about them so he made sure Tubbo was safe he hid anything sharp away, and well Wilbur didn't leave his room since they left for the meeting which got nowhere, everything was slowly getting to normal. 

"Morning, Techno and Phil" Wilbur said as he and Tubbo walked down the stairs.

"Tubbo, you really need to take a shower and take that shirt off," Phil told him until he also remembered he still hasn't changed or took a shower. 

"Never mind Tubbo, want anything for breakfast?" Phil asked 

"Umm do you have bacon and eggs?" Tubbo requested 

"Yes I do, Wilbur would you like the same," Phil asked

"Sure, how about Techno?" Wilbur answered 

"I ate already, anyway I'm heading out Dream wanted to talk to me so I'll be back in a bit byeee." Techno walked out the door and waved bye.

All three of them were confused why Dream wanted to talk to Techno but then they decided to ask when he gets back, Tubbo headed to the living room with Wilbur and waited for breakfast.

"Wil how are you today?" 

"I'm alright, how about you, you seem better than yesterday."

"well, I think all of us do it's been 24 hours now..."

"Hey don't worry, we are all here for you okay."


Wilbur went over to hug Tubbo and they both felt safe, a couple of minutes later Phil told them breakfast is ready. so they headed over to the kitchen.

"So Tubbo it seems you're a bit better now?" Phil asked Tubbo

"Ya I guess it still hurts I'm thinking of changing but we didn't grab any of my clothes," Tubbo told Phil

"Okay I can tell Techno to grab a couple of stuff from your house, I'll text him now." Phil answered 

"Okay, just bring everything in my dressers and my bee stuffy!" Tubbo told Phil

Phil texted Techno hoping he had his phone on him


10:00 Phil - Hey, Tubbo would like a couple of things from his house and you're out sorta near it so can you grab a couple of things?

10:01 Techno - Ya sure what?

10:03 Phil - a couple of Tubbo's clothes and a bee stuffy that should be on his bed and find maybe something of Tommy's that could help Tubbo?

10:05 Techno - Okay

"Alright Techno will head over to your house and grab a couple of your things," Phil told Tubbo

"Okay, thanks!" Tubbo answered and went over to hug Phil

Phil liked having his kids living again with him it was just like old times except with Tommy...

30 Hours after Tommy's death 

"Where is Phil?" Tubbo asked Wilbur 

"He went to get some food why?" Wilbur replied 

"No reason I was just wondering."

"Okay, want to watch something with me?" 

"No, but thanks Wil I'll just be in my room"

"Okay, I'll let you know when Phil gets back."

"No it's fine I was just wondering don't worry" Tubbo started to walk upstairs until Wilbur spoke again so he stopped and listened 

"haha I need to worry about my younger siblings, just come here we need each other okay?"

"Alright!" Tubbo headed back downstairs 

Wilbur and Tubbo put something on but they didn't even watch it cause they were talking about Tommy and laughing about funny memories with everyone including Tommy, Phil walking into the Living room and the two boys didn't see him even come in he looked at them at a distance laughing and joking around and Tommy's name was said a couple of times and he smiled he was happy that things would get better, or will they?

48 Hours after Tommy's death

"Techno!" Phil yelled, "Where have you been!" Wilbur stated

Techno was out of breath and just tried sneaking inside but he knew his dad would know he's here, he always knew somehow.

"TECHNO!" Tubbo yelled happily

"TECHNO you said you would only be a bit it's been A DAY, WE WERE WORRIED!" Phil still yelling at his son

Techno answered, "I'm sorry okay I had to finish some business with Dream..." 

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