The Impact... (Phil)

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Phil was the last to leave Tommy until Eret and Fundy came with a stretcher and got him, All Phil did was look at his son lifeless still he pat his hair, It was the end for watching over someone he tried to be the best dad but he wasn't there to save him and he beat himself up for it cause he didn't protect his youngest son. Phil was so tired but he wanted to stay with his son until he couldn't he almost fell asleep beside him but quickly got up cause Eret and Fundy were back he knew this was his time to go home. while walking back he hears Techno yell, he guessed he was just getting his anger out in a better way. he looked up to the sky and asked "Why my youngest, why him..." he was sad he just wanted Tommy back the trouble maker, the youngest, his son back.

While walking back he noticed Tubbo hitting a tree in anger, and there was a deathly gaze in his eyes like he wanted to kill someone, but he guessed it was because of  ______, Everone including Phil wanted _____ to have the same fate as Tommy, death but Phil wasn't the type to actually do something, so was Tubbo he thought so maybe the anger was towards the world. 

Phil walked over to Tubbo and asked "hey, Tubbo are you alright I just saw you hitting a tree."

"Oh ya, hehe I'm great just needed to hit a tree you know, I'm alright right now I just want to be alone in the forest." Tubbo answered, "And this was were me and...." Tubbo stopped himself and just smiled then said "I'm alright Phil don't worry." Then tubbo skipped away.

"Alright, Tubbo I'm always here everyone is here for you alright, come to the cottage anytime." and he waved bye to Tubbo.

Phil had a feeling inside that leaving Tubbo wasn't the best idea but he seemed alright, so he shook off the feeling but it kept on coming back so he ran in the direction Tubbo went but he couldn't find him he didn't want to lose another so he went to Fundy and asked to keep a lookout for Tubbo he has a bad feeling, Fundy agreed and Phil decided just to head home and rest cause he was excused from all the crying, When he got home he made a coffee for himself and just fell onto the couch and fell asleep.

A couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door, Phil didn't want to get up to get it so he just had there, They knocked again Phil got up and headed towards the door it was his two oldest sons, Techno and Wilbur they asked if they could stay over cause it's just quiet in the base, Phil agreed and let them in. He saw Wilbur had tears in his eyes and run upstairs to his room Techno Just looked around, it seemed like he was checking if someone is there. but it was just me and now them.

"Hey, father where is Tubbo I thought he would have come home with you cause of the state he is in?" Phil heard Techno ask, he was confused why and was that feeling he had, did Techno have it too he didn't know what to say if he should say something about it or not he decided just to answer with what happened.

"Oh he seemed alright he seems to be in a better state than all of us," Phil answered 

Phil looked at Techno after he finished his sentence, his eyes were full of worry so was Phil's at the time he felt like Techno knows something everyone else doesn't and that something is to do with Tubbo he looked at Techno and he tried to smile, but tears started to form in his eyes, Phil knew Techno isn't the guy who shows his feelings cause it makes him look like he's weak, but Phil has always told him ever since he was little you can cry with me and I won't say anything and after that Techno felt safe with his feelings, 

"Hey, Techno I'm just going to be in the kitchen preparing some dinner do you want to help?" Phil asked Techno, He looked at Techno and it looked like he was alone with his thoughts and didn't want to be bothered, so Phil smiled at his son and went to the kitchen to prepare supper.

About an hour or less went by it was another knock on the door, Phil ran to the door hoping it was Tubbo, he answered it and it wasn't Tubbo his hopefulness left and the bad feeling came back.

"Oh hi, Sap what brings you here," Phil asked in a sad but hopeful tone

"Oh just wanted to check up on you guys also we need to talk, I'm setting up a meeting to talk about the next steps, like for L'manburg and well Tommy... oh and also to talk about Tubbo I just don't feel right about that boy right now." Sapnap tried to seem like he was strong but Phil noticed he was hurting inside too. 

Phil tried to remember what Sapnap just said and said it in his head a few times until he realized what he said about Tubbo, it wasn't just him thinking about Tubbo having that bad feeling, It was Sapnap, Techno and maybe everyone but he didn't know what it was about how Sapnap knew something or did he see Tubbo cry and try to be cheerful, there were many questions in his head but he just tried to tune them out.

"Alright, we will be there when through?" Phil asked 

"Oh shoot I forgot to say, around Sunset," Sapnap told them and waved bye he headed back to Dream and George.

Phil saw Techno by the door, the look in his eyes they both knew Tubbo wasn't good and him trying to hide it would make it worse.

He noticed Wilbur walking down the stairs at a slow steady pace and asked why Sapnap was here.

Phil answered, "Oh he told us there is a meeting to discuss the next steps and talk about Tubbo cause Sapnap felt like he wasn't good and was scared of what he could do."

"Oh okay, so when is," Wilbur asked

"This is at sunset," Techno replied 

The 3 of them looked at each other and knew what each was thinking, They missed Tommy.

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