The Impact... (Wilbur)

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Wilbur felt like it was his fault if he didn't do the election Tommy would still be here and Schlatt would still be out, he just tried to be positive but a few hours ago he saw his brother die, life just leave him. He hears Techno yell something but couldn't make put the word he just said something between _uck, maybe luck? Wilbur thought but then decided that would be stupid to say Luck, he just left it alone he decided to walk over to where Tommy died maybe that would help when he got there he saw Techno, and he saw the blood from Tommy it was not the best idea to go here but he tried to keep it together.

"Hey Techno," Wilbur said quietly without noticing, Techno looked at him not knowing what he just said cause Wilbur was very quiet when saying it, Techno handed Wilbur a piece of paper with his name on it, and he was confused then he saw blood and guessed it was from Tommy he looked at the paper and didn't know what to do should he read it now, he looked at Techno and he saw he started to cry after reading it, so Wilbur decided to read it.


Hey, Wil 

Oh I'm writing this with a pencil I found anyway

thanks for everything you're the best, I don't really know what to say listen you might be blaming yourself for this but it was me I'm the one who decided to try to fight Schlatt and wasn't the best idea haha, but probably some are happy I dead I'm not a problem to them like Dream he's probably happy I won't cause any more chaos and the disk war is done he can keep them I guess, haha no Tubbo will get them for me hopefully. I don't know if I will ever see you again so I'm trying to write everything I would say but I'm probably missing a lot, Wilbur makes sure Tubbo is okay alright, I'm starting to feel weaker than before so, I love you Wilbur and tell Tubbo he can keep the bow Techno gave him it's still in my bag I think I can't remember my eyes are closing so I think this is the end.

- Tommy

Wilbur cried reading the last two words Tommy's writing sounded like he wished it was different, at that time he didn't know he would open his eyes again so he tried to say everything he needed to say but it wasn't enough for Wil he just needed him right beside him smiling and joking, he just wanted Tommy back.

"Wilbur, Let's go home," Techno told Wilbur as he held his hand out

He took his arm and answered, "Alright, Techno I miss him..."

Techno pulled him into a hug then spoke "wil me too..."

The both of them walked back together, they saw Tubbo hitting a tree but didn't go near him cause his eyes had rage and they were scared if he would do anything, Wilbur wanted to do something but stayed with Techno cause they needed each other but he thought the 3 of them need each other so he was about to go to Tubbo but he saw Phil head over to him so decide just to go home with Techno.

Wilbur and Techno got back to the base this was their home and it didn't feel like home it just felt empty like something or someone was missing, but Tommy lived with Tubbo before everything, so it was weird It still felt empty so they headed to Phil's home, 

"Hey, father where is Tubbo I thought he would have come home with you cause of the state he is in?" Wilbur heard Techno ask Phil

"Oh he seemed alright he seems to be in a better state than all of us," Phil Answered Techno

Wilbur wanted to be alone with his thoughts so he headed into his childhood room and cried then he heard

knock, knock

He didn't care about the door he guessed Phil or techno would get the door so he checked the window to see who it was and it was Sapnap? he was confused why he was there so he headed to the door but when he got there Sapnap left already, so he asked: "why Sapnap came?"

Phil answered, "Oh he told us there is a meeting to discuss the next steps and talk about Tubbo cause Sapnap felt like he wasn't good and was scared of what he could do."

"Oh okay, so when is," he asked

 "This is at sunset," Techno replied 

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