the funeral plans?

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"And that's my plan for the funeral what do you think?" Tubbo asked 

"That's a great idea Tommy would have loved it!" Fundy told Tubbo

"Ya it's really good it has Tommy written all over it, I knew you helping out with the plans would be a great idea!" Phil told Tubbo 

"Really thanks." Tubbo smiled and then he frowned and started to cry

"OH, Tubbo are you okay?" Fundy asked when he noticed the teen crying 

"Ya I I I just miss Tommy" Tubbo stuttered

"aww come here," Phil told Tubbo and hugged him

Tubbo smiled and hugged Phil back, Fundy just sat there awkwardly and not knowing what to say or do so he just looked at them in aww.


"HE STARTED IT!" Techno yells back 

Phil stopped hugging Tubbo and giggled 

"Of course I can never get a nice moment with any of you," Phil said as he walked into the kitchen

he looked around and saw the mess the binder pages were everywhere around the kitchen but mostly on the black tiled flooring in the kitchen.


"Umm... well Phil I thought of an idea for the funeral but-" Techno said before he got interrupted by Wilbur "DAD HE THOUGHT OF THE MOST STUPIDEST IDEA and IT WAS NOT FUNNY!" Wilbur yelled 

"BOYS! YOU ARE ACTING LIKE CHILDREN SHUT UP AND MAN UP!" Phil yelled as he yelled that he felt guilty and gave a sorry glare at them

"Sorry, Phil it was a bad time to say a joke you know..." Techno said with his head down

"Ya sorry, dad umm it was my fault too I guess..." Wilbur said with his head down too

"SO! what on earth happened in this kitchen?" Phil said spitefully

"Well one thing leads to another, so Techno said the DUMB joke and I got mad and hit him with the binder and then he threw it at me and well you can see what happened..." Wilbur told Phil still with his head down

"WELL, BOTH OF YOU CLEAN THIS MESS UP RIGHT NOW, you should be happy it's not a big mess!" Phil told them in anger 

Tubbo walked into the kitchen and looked around

"UMM what happened?" Tubbo asked 

"Your brothers that's what," Phil replied 

"Umm, why is the binder pages all over the floor," Tubbo started to tear up "I thought you cared but you can't do anything good for Tommy..." Tubbo said now sobbing he ran out of the kitchen opened the front door and ran...

"OH MY GOD, WHAT DID WE DO..." Wilbur said scared 

"Umm, we umm tubbo umm I don't know..." Techno answered


"Umm sorry to interrupt but I hear a slam and tubbos name umm what happened?" Fundy said as he walked slowly into the kitchen

"THESE BOYS MADE TUBBO CRY AND RUN, Umm sorry fundy I'm just mad," Phil told Fundy

"Hey, no worries umm should we go out and find him?" Fundy asked 

"OH ya ya let's go." Phil answered 

Fundy and Phil stuck together and tried to find tubbo, Techno and Wilbur were together finding Tubbo too, about an hour later Techno and Wilbur found Tubbo sitting at the spot where Tommy died.

Techno saw Tubbo and started to talk "Hey Tubbo, umm sorry you know-" Techno paused when he felt the teen start to hug him.

"I'm umm sorry umm too," Wilbur told Tubbo 

"It's okay I understand it's hard, you never would think that right now we would be planning the funeral of Tommy right now me and Tommy umm were supposed to be somewhere far away but I'm the reason why..." Tubbo answered and started to cry again

"Hey tubbo no you are not Schlatt is the reason, yes you were there he took you but you didn't kill Tommy Schlatt did so don't beat yourself up the cause of his death, Okay? your amazing your always there for anyone." Techno told Tubbo

"Ya, I understand thanks Techno," Tubbo told him and smiled

Techno messaged Phil and told him to meet where they are right now, so Techno headed to where Tommy died and saw Tubbo and ran to hug him

"SON DON'T, don't do that ever again please," Phil told Tubbo

"I won't sorry I needed to come to this spot this is the only place where I find myself now," Tubbo told Phil

"Don't worry, so Techno why did you ask me to come here we could have met back home," Phil asked Techno

"OH so I see that all of us have come here to calm down or just get the feel of Tommy and the view is amazing, I thought well if Tubbo and you agree oh and Wil agrees this should be where Tommy is buried so I mean this is where we should have the funeral, so umm what do you think?" Techno askes 

"WOW, that's a great idea!" Phil told Techno 

"Ya, I agree on the great idea!" Wilbur answered 

Phil and Wilbur agreed to this idea and all who was left was Tubbo, everyone looked at Tubbo and he was started to cry again 

Techno told Tubbo "Oh umm Tubbo if umm-" Tubbo interrupted him and told him "NO TECHNOBLADE this is the best idea ever!" Tubbo said and hugged Techno, Wilbur and Phil joined the hug too

A couple of minutes later Fundy showed up panting and saw the group hugging so he decided to head back home.

"WAIT FUNDY!" Tubbo yelled 

Fundy turned back and walked back to everyone, Tubbo let go of Techno and got out of the family hug and ran to Fundy.

"Fundy, we thought of a great idea! what do you think of having Tommy buried here?" Tubbo asked 

"Umm I see no problem with that, I'll get started tomorrow on the funeral and it will be here you guys let everyone know," Fundy answered and smiled and waved bye and hurried back home to make blueprints of how this place will look

Tubbo waved goodbye, all four of them huddled to each other and walked back home.

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