The Impact... (Tubbo)

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*WARNING, BLOOD, SELF HARM (not really but some sort) AND "LANGUAGE"*

Tubbo didn't know how to feel just yesterday his best friend died, everyone was impacted even dream he just stayed over with George and Sapnap cause he needed them everyone needed each other but Tubbo was Impacted the most even though he didn't show it, Wilbur knew who Tommy was to him so Tubbo was hiding his feelings about this whole situation, Fundy and Eret worked on a place for Schlatt all night cause he needed to be out away he killed a child, a Teenager who had friends and family Schlatt killed someone who impacted everyone in one way, even if it could be a bad way everyone was impacted and wanted Schlatt gone.

Tubbo was walking around he didn't eat for hours wait no, ever since they were at the cave that morning, Tubbo knew it was bad for him to starve but he just wasn't hungry, he felt nothing he didn't change he was still in the shirt that had Tommy's blood on it, this Shirt was the only thing Tubbo felt connected to Tommy, and it was his fault everything was him if he just didn't leave the tent if he waked Tommy up before if he stayed with Tommy, NOTHING would have happened Tubbo thought about it if things were different but nothing was going to change Tommy is dead and he can't do anything about it, he clenched his fists really hard that his nails started to draw blood than he hit the closet tree and yelled: "FUCK YOU WORLD!!!"  he fell to his knees and cried.

Fundy was walking back with Eret from getting Tommy, they saw and heard Tubbo they both looked at each other then Tubbo, Fundy walked over to Tubbo and hugged him, Tubbo looked at him with tears in his eyes and he hugged back.

"Fundy why did it have to be Tommy..." Tubbo sobbed 

"I don't know, I really don't know Tubbo," Fundy answered 

Eret was looking at them hugging and he looked at the poor kid, he looked at Tubbo's hands and where he clenched his fists he saw blood and nail marks, he tried to point them out and fundy didn't notice until he took his hands and told him "don't worry Tubbo Schlatt will get the punishment he deserves." as he finished his sentence he saw Tubbo's palms of his hands the blood drawn from the nails when he saw that he also noticed the blood on Tubbo and he hugged him more tightly.

"Tubbo I see your hands, don't do that please and the blood on your shirt kid what did you do," Fundy asked Tubbo still hugging him

"Umm okay, and it's Tommy's blood..." Tubbo studdered more tears in his eyes formed from those questions he knew he can't hide his feelings any longer even though he's trying to get through this day and more days to come. 

Eret saw this and he felt out of place so he signed to Fundy he's going home

Tubbo had many thoughts in his head and some weren't the best he needed to grieve Tommy somehow but he didn't know how the last thing he lost was his family 10 years ago and now he has a better family but one thing is missing, Tommy...

"Fundy I'm going to head home don't worry about me I'll be alright..." Tubbo told Fundy

"Okay kid, I'm always here if you need a place to stay right now you can stay with me, but I bet you, Wilbur, Techno, and Phil need each other so go head back to them, I'll see you tomorrow." fundy answered and hugged him goodbye

Now fundy didn't know that Tubbo was trying to hide everything so he wasn't leaving with anyone right now before it was just him and Tommy but now he's alone in a quiet house, and when he's alone with his thoughts they tell him he's the reason Tommy's gone.

Tubbo just walked back to his home that doesn't feel like home anymore head down and alone in his thoughts, 





Tubbo listened to the thoughts and agreed to them all he's the reason, he should...

"HEY, Tubbo how are you," Sapnap asked him 

"OH, Hey Sapnap I'm alright you?" Tubbo tried to seem cheerful and hid the feelings and everything that just went through his head 

"I'm alright, Dream isn't the best he feels like he should have done something more, But it's out of our reach you know," Sapnap told him

"Ya, I know how that feels," Tubbo mumbled 

 Sapnap asked "What?" not hearing what he said

"Oh umm ya I know." Tubbo answered then added with a mumble "at a point."

"Umm, anyway I'll let you go back home," Sapnap told him and waved goodbye

Sapnap had a bad feeling about Tubbo but wanted another point of view, so he would call a meeting for one to get started on the funeral and talk about Tubbo cause he felt off even though he was somewhat his himself.

Tubbo continued to walk back home, the thoughts came back he ran home so he can get his anger out and grab something to help the mental pain.

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