The Impact... (Dream, George & Sapnap)

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No one knew Dream would be this impacted after everything that happened 5 hours ago he hasn't left the couch he just been staring outside thinking, he thought "When I got there he was holding on like he needed to finish something but then giving the disks he let go and left am I the reason he was holding on or when I got there it was minutes until he dies, the disks were a part of him so maybe he wanted to finish up the job or..." he couldn't figure out if he was holding on or he just died at the time it happened that Dream came at the right time.

"Hey, Dream you alright?" George asked 

Dream snapped out of his deep thinking and he looked at George and cried, his friend came up to him and hugged him.

"George I don't know how to feel, hurt or done my problem is gone but I feel more hurt than I thought so If I ever killed Tommy how would I feel, and I just don't know George." Dream replied 

George was surprised how Dream was coping with this cause he's never seen Dream like this, and Tommy was a problem to him and wanted him gone at times but now he wanted him back.

Sapnap Opened the door without knocking and ran into the living room, 

"Sapnap knock!" George told him

"WELL the door is open so I don't care it's my house anyway," Sapnap answered 

George gave Sapnap a gare and then let him continue what he was going to say before George interrupting his cause of the door.

"Okay it's Tubb-" Sapnap started to say what happened but Dream interrupted "TUBBO whAT NOw"

"SHUT UP DREAM" Sapnap yelled at him

 Sapnap continued "Okay let me continue, well Tubbo he seems all cheerful but I know deep down he's hurting also I saw marks on the palm of his hands, I'm worried about him I don't think he's taking Tommy's death in a good way." 

"No one is taking his death good!" Dream snapped at him

"Okay I know Dream but I have a bad feeling about Tubbo, Dream Tommy and Tubbo were inseparable they were always together, so Tubbo isn't good I think."

"Sap what if we held a meeting, you know to let everyone know about Tubbo and maybe talk about Tommy's funeral, I think Techno, Wilbur, Phil, and Tubbo would appreciate the help," George told him

"Good idea George, I'm set it up and tell everyone about it I'll be back in like 20 minutes or so," Sapnap told George and waved bye

George looked at Dream and thought about Tommy, George didn't really know Tommy that well he knew he was a problem to Dream and Tommy always got into something with Wilbur or Tubbo, he had a sweet side towards people he loved and did try his best, George didn't know what to think about Tommy he wasn't that Impacted like Dream and it seemed like Sapnap wasn't that Impacted either. George was looking at Dream and thought it was best to leave him alone for now he will be alright in the end right?

~ Changing to Sapnap point of view ~

Sapnap looked at Dream in the window just Looking out, thinking about Tommy...

Sapnap knew Tommy a bit but not as much as Dream, Dream was involved with a Disk war, Sapnap was part of the war between L'manburg and The Dream SMP, he was hurting too cause this laughing, joking, and an outgoing person was gone from their lives and Schlatt was the one who killed him and he should deserve the same fate, but that was Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno, And Phil's decision. Sapnap wanted to help but he didn't know what to do until George gave the idea he's going to let everyone know and then ask if George and Dream can help set up but he guessed Dream won't move or maybe, he didn't know he just had to tell everyone about the meeting, set up and then have this meeting.

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