Planing the Funeral

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"Techno!" Phil yelled, "Where have you been!" Wilbur stated

Techno was out of breath and just tried sneaking inside but he knew his dad would know he's here, he always knew somehow.

"TECHNO!" Tubbo yelled happily

"TECHNO you said you would only be a bit it's been A DAY, WE WERE WORRIED!" Phil still yelling at his son

Techno answered, "I'm sorry okay I had to finish some business with Dream..." 


"Sorry... wait Phil what did you say?" Techno aksed

"Oh, you didn't answer ANY of my messages!" Phil told him still mad

"umm Phil I haven't gotten anything?" Techno told Phil and showed his phone 

Phil checked his phone and he texted Tommy cause usually Tommy was the one who was late or in trouble 

"Umm sorry son, I texted Tommy... Not you." Phil said and lowered his head

"Hey, it's okay Phil..." Techno told Phil

"Techno you know it's weird to not have him around, he's always here making some sort of trouble... OH, Techno last night Fundy came to our house..." Phil told Techno right when he heard fundy's name he was scared did fundy tell Phil??? Phil looked at Techno and knew something was up he had a guilty look on his face, 


"Umm, nothing..." Techno told Phil while he was looking down at the floor

"Techno you have a guilty look, a guilty look like when Tommy did something the same guilty look, Techno honestly is this bad?" Phil asked Techno

"Umm father it is at some extent, did fundy tell you?" Techno asked still looking down 

"FUNDY TOLD ME NOTHING THAT YOU DID, HE JUST TOLD US TO START PLANNING THE FUNERAL!" Phil yelled towards Techno, but Wilbur and Tubbo were in the other room and walked to where Techno and Phil were and they just stared Techno saw the 2 and gave a single to Phil, Phil saw and felt bad for yelling it wasn't even a week since Tommy died and he was yelling and yelled about Tommy's funeral that he was supposed to sit with everyone and discuss it.

"Umm sorry, Techno, Tubbo, and Wilbur I didn't mean to yell I just don't want to lose any of you too, the scare with Tubbo the other day I'm over the edge with everything I'm sorry I'm a bad father..." Phil told them

"NO your not I'm sorry I will tell you what happened last night but maybe later okay let's just well plan I guess Tommy's funeral..." Techno told Phil and hugged him

Everyone headed to the kitchen table and Phil told them to sit down he will be right back he headed to his room and got a binder.

"What's that Phil?" Tubbo asked 

"fundy gave me this binder for us to plan Tommy's funeral," Phil answered 

"oh..." Tubbo mumbled 

"Okay boys let's plan this," Phil told them, he sat down at the table and opened the binder 

Tubbo, Phil, Techno, and Wilbur looked together and planned the funeral, 

"PHIL! we haven't planned that day when it is," Wilbur told Phil

"Wilbur we will get to that," Phil told Wilbur 

"OH okay," Wilbur answered and they went back to looking in the binder 

2 hours later

there was a knock on the door Phil went to answer it and everyone stayed at the kitchen table, Phil checked who it was and it was Fundy, Phil opened the door and greeted fundy

"Oh, Hello Fundy what brings you here?" Phil asked 

"FUNDY!" Techno said jumped from his seat and walked fast to the door 

Fundy saw  Techno and told him"Oh, Techno not getting yourself into trouble at the-" "OH fundy umm what brings you here." Techno interrupted fundy 

Phil looked at Techno and gave him a stare "Techno fundy was talking Fundy continue with what were you saying?" Phil told Fundy Techno shook his head and hoped fundy won't say anything then Techno mouthed him "Fundy please not right now I'll tell Phil when everything calms down please." Fundy nodded to him 

"Umm maybe not right now, so how's planning going sorry to ask but it needs to be done soon cause I need to make an area for Tommy well we need to start tomorrow and it should be done in a couple of days, anyway how's it going?" Fundy asked 

"Well it's going honestly we have no clue right now and I also feel like Tubbo should have most of the planning cause he was the closest to Tommy here I'll ask him to come." Phil answered, "Tubbo come here!" Phil called Tubbo who was in the kitchen with Wilbur.

"I should go but nice seeing you Fundy," Techno told fundy and walked to the kitchen and sat beside Wilbur and they continued to figure out the funeral plans

"Ya Phil what do you need, Oh hi Fundy!" Tubbo said smiling as he walked into the room

"Hey Tubbo you know you can be sad right, you don't need to be cheerful," Fundy told Tubbo

"Fundy don't worry he's doing better but you are right Tubbo you can cry whenever you need you don't need to be the strongest here," Phil told Tubbo

"I know but Tommy would want me to be strong like he was..." Tubbo answered Phil and Fundy smiled cause of Tubbos answer 

"Anyway Tubbo would you like to give Fundy how you want the funeral to look like," Phil asked

"Oh sure, Phil I was drawing something I was going to share after we looked at the binder do you want to see it?" Tubbo asked 

"Ya for sure go get it," Fundy told Tubbo

Tubbo went to go get the plans,

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