The Meeting

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The sun was starting to set, Sapnap and George were almost done getting everything ready they thought they should supply some food so they were making cake and Niki said she would bring cookies. Everything was working out, and it hasn't even been 24 hours...

~ Techno, Wilbur, & Phil's POV ~

"Phil do I have to go it hasn't even been 24 hours since Tommy..." Wilbur asked Phil

"well if you don't want to go that's alright but they are talking about Tubbo and didn't Tommy leave you with the role to keep Tubbo safe," Phil told Wilbur

Techno walked in, and heard the conversation so he joined in "Ya we should all go I know it's hard but we need to let go soon." 

"IT HASN'T BEEN 24 HOURS YET!" Wilbur yelled at them, Wilbur noticed what he just said so he apologized "umm sorry..." 

Phil noticed he wasn't good and maybe he shouldn't come so he told him "Hey, don't worry we are going to take this one day at a time, Wil I think you should stay home we will let you know what happens there is dinner in the oven if you want," then Phil waved bye and left with Techno.

~ George, Sapnap, & Dream's POV ~

"Dream! Let's go!" George yelled for Dream cause he was upstairs 

"One moment George!" Dream yelled back 

George was confused did he hear the right, is Dream actually going to come? He opened the door where Sapnap was.

"Oh he's not coming I told you," Sapnap told George

George shook his head "Sap he's actually coming he said these exact words. One moment George!" 

Sapnap answered, "What really wow, alright I guess let's wait for him." Sapnap walked inside with George and waited

A couple of minutes later Dream was in his green Hoodie and Jeans and his mask on, Sapnap and George were surprised that Dream even Changed, maybe things will get better they thought.

~ No one POV ~

Everyone was heading to where the meeting is which was where the only stage is and that's where Tubbo told everyone about something that may have happened to Tommy, so going back to that stage was hard for everyone but there was no time to make a new one so they kept it for now.

Sapnap, George, and Dream ran to the stage cause they were late, and in the distance, Techno and Phil were walking slowly, everyone saw them but they questioned why no Wilbur?

Sapnap ran on stage with George and Dream by his side and Asked if Techno and Phil can join them, and they did everyone took their seats and the meeting started.

"Okay thanks for all of you coming I know today we lost someone and I had this meeting today i... me and George thought of it have anyone came into contact with Tubbo like talked with him for a bit? Sapnap asked 

Fundy and Eret rose their hand so did Quackity, Bbh, and Skeppy

Sapnap looked and saw 5 hands rose so he continued "okay so Fundy, Eret, Quackity, Bad, and Skeppy was Tubbo a bit different? let's have Fundy, Eret, Quackity, Bad, and lastly Skeppy."

Fundy started "So me and Eret was walking back from getting Tommy and we saw Tubbo He hit a tree and yelled "FUCK YOU WOR-" "LANGUAGE" Bad yelled at Fundy, Fundy continued "any way he swears and hit a tree and fell to his knees, I ran over there and hugged him tight and he told me how much he misses Tommy, I can't remember what else happened after but I saw marks on the palm of his hands like he clenched his hands and blood came out or something but there were marks, he told me he wanted to head home so I guessed he went home with Phil, Wilbur and Techno and well Wilbur isn't here so is he watching Tubbo?" 

Phil looked at fundy and Fundy knew he wasn't with them, Sapnap saw this and he knew Tubbo isn't good at being alone cause he saw the same marks but at that time they were bleeding. 

"Sorry to get back onto your story Fundy when was this?" Sapnap asked,

"what do you mean?" Fundy answered

"I MEAN WHEN WHAT TIME!" Sapnap yelled 

Fundy looked at him and Phil this wasn't good 

"Umm after I brought Tommy to where we are keeping him for right now," Fundy told him

"Umm if this helps he and Wilbur saw him 5 hours after the incident," Techno told Sapnap

"I also saw Techno and Wilbur at that time" Phil Told Sapnap

"Okay so me and Eret saw him about the same time cause the walk is about 20 minutes and we saw Phil and maybe 40 minutes later we saw Tubbo," Fundy told Sapnap

"SHIT!" Sapnap yelled, then he continued "I saw him after all of you then..." 

"SAPNAP what did you see," Phil asked him

"Umm, I think Tubbo is blaming himself for this..." Sapnap told everyone

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