The Dream

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"Listen Dream, the dream you had..." Tecno started to say something but then he just out of nowhere collapsed 

Dream was still rambling then he saw Techno about to hit the grass so he tried to catch him but was unsuccessful but he did break his fall so he didn't hit the ground that hard but hard enough to hear a thud, Dream looked at his confused what just happened to Techno?

It was about 3 hours since Techno collapsed and Dream was now getting worried, he was breathing but was sleeping did Tommy do something or is something wrong Dream sat beside Techno the whole time he was out and somethings he would get up and pace around him trying to think of a way to help everyone with Tommy and what this Dream meant why did he get this dream... (The sleeping boy flinched everyone looked) 

Techno started to wake up he noticed a tear on his cheek and understand why Dream was sitting down now in a ball,

"Hey Dream, Umm what just happened..." Techno said what just happened and everything he dreamed about when he collapsed came back and it was everything Dream said from his dream except in Techno's Point of view, and in the end, he was the villain in that story so was Wilbur and knew why there was a tear now cause he almost killed Tommy.

"DREAM I SAW I SAW IT ALL THE DREAM YOU HAD LAST NIGHT I HAD IT!- And I was... I was... the villain in that story..." Techno told Dream

"I know, I know Techno I left that out for you..." Dream answered Techno

"LISTEN your not the villain in this story okay, Schlatt is the villain he killed your own BROTHER YOUR FAMILY! let's be the bad guys to him, LET'S KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH LET'S KILL SCHLATT!" Dream crackled Techno jumped cause the way he was sounding was well like Wilbur when he wanted to blow up L'manburg.

"Dream umm are you sure?" Techno asked Dream

"Listen Techno he ruins this story and the other story he was the cause of all of this and maybe in the next story he is also the Villain, he made you a villain in the other future and this the present right now he caused Tommy's life TOMMY IS GONE CAUSE OF SCHLATT!" Dream yells

"Well, a life for a life..." Techno mumbles 

"CORRECT a life for a life!" Dream yells

Dream and Techno already had their gear and whatever they needed to kill Schlatt, and they were going to do it tonight when Dream and Fundys shift all they needed to do is distract Fundy.

It was sunset Dream was heading to the prison with Techno and Fundy was already there cause he double shifted, Fundy saw Dream and Techno in the distance and was confused and first but thought maybe Techno needed to yell at Schlatt to get some anger out,

"Hey, Dream and Techno so what brings you here are you here to see Schlatt?" Fundy asked 

"Oh, no Fundy I heard you double shifted so I decided to give you a break and well I need a break from Tubbo, so I thought I will just shift with Dream and you go head home okay? Techno told fundy When fundy heard this his tail perked up cause he was just done and needed a break but no one else would volunteer so he said fine,

"OH really thanks Techno, and cause your here how's Tubbo?" Fundy asked 

"He's way better I think him just being surrounded by family helped him cause he was in the house where Tommy and he used to live before everything, he seems like he's cheerful self and I do see hurt in those eyes so he is trying," Techno answered 

"Oh really that's amazing and sorry to ask this but how's the planning for the funeral going?" Fundy asked 

Techno looked at Fundy and smiled "UMM we forgot... it's just so crazy it it was just yesterday and-"

Fundy cut him off "Hey don't worry we are all here okay, I think we should all work together, anyway I better be going Niki and I were going to work on something for tom- umm never mind, umm byeee." Fundy ran off and waved bye

Dream looked at Techno and gave a signal to head inside, there were 2 cells one was empty the other had Schlatt in it locked away, Schlatt saw Dream and stood up when he saw Techno and he backed away.

"SO, what brings you here?" Schlatt spoke 

"WE ARE HERE T-" Techno answered in a loud voice but dream stopped him

"Hello Schlatt" Dream announced  

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