Goodbye L'manburg, Wilbur, and everyone...

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Tubbo and Techno left the base and went back to L'manburg to go get Tubbo's things, on their way Schalat was waiting with a bow and arrow, he saw Tubbo and Techno

 "OH, Shoot TECHNO!" Schalat Thought maybe this might not be a good time 

Techno saw Schalat and kept closer to tubbo, Techno and Tubbo walked to L'manburg to Tubbo's house, a few things were in Tommy's house that he wanted so first he headed there he put the most valuable things in an ender chest than they headed to Tubbo's house. he didn't need really anything from his house just some things like diamonds and tools he also kept those in his ender chest and took an ender chest with him.

"Tubbo let's go, what's taking you so long," Techno asked 

He didn't get a reply and headed into his house and saw Tubbo wasn't there or was he...

"TUBBO!" Techno yelled 

"Oh Techno, what brings you here oh ya you were with Tubbo," Schalat said 

"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH HIM!" Techno yelled and got his bow out and aimed it at Schalat

"Chill I did nothing to your brother, well not yet." Schalat laughed 

"YOU BETTER NOT DO ANYTHING OR YOUR DIED, YOU HEAR ME DEAD," Techno told Schalat and then lowered his crossbow when he saw Tubbo outside hiding, he guessed maybe Tubbo saw Schalat

"well he's not here Schalat, so go this isn't your house!" Techno demanded him to leave and he got his sword out and got Schalat out and Tubbo walked in and hugged Techno tight 

"Thanks, bro!" Tubbo thanked Techno for pretty much saving him

"No problem let's go before he sees you again," Techno told him

Tubbo and Techno headed back to Wilbur and Tommy but on their way, they were more careful cause Schalat was trying to find Tubbo, so they took the long way out of L'manburg to go to them, they had to go all the way around and then into the forest into the base and Techno made sure no one was following, when they got back Wilbur and Tommy had everything ready for Tubbo and Tommy's getaway.

"Wilbur" Tommy whispered to him


"What will we do when we are gone, for how long, Wilbur will we ever be back?" 

"I don't know when you can come back but you will just know, and yes one day you will be back with us."

"Wil could this be our last time seeing you guys?" Tubbo asked

"Maybe but I will make sure I will be okay in the end, I promise to see you again someday okay?" Wilbur answered

"Yea..." Tubbo mumbled 

"Okay boys it's almost sunset so get ready I'm going to give you a few things for your trip and then you are off!" Techno told them and lead them to his ender chest.

What If I Ran Away...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora