Chapter eighteen: it's all my fault

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Rodrick's POV

I was sitting in the hospital's waiting room, shaking from total fear and sadness. Everything was silent, the clock was making that ticking sound as seconds gone by. Everyone was with me. Susan was rubbing my back for comfort, and Alex's mom was being comforted by Frank. We were waiting for the doctor to come, waiting for him to tell us how Alex was doing. I was looking down at my feet, ashamed at what I had done...

~Flashback a couple of hours ago at the pool~

Me and Alex were at the local pool that me and my family would go to every other day. I was really happy that the love of my life was right next to me, and that someday we'll be together till the day we die. She was getting a tan, with the promise ring still on her finger.

I decided to get some ice cream for the both of us, since it had to be at least ninety degrease out here and everyone was in the pool trying to cool off.

"Hey," I started to say, "I'm going to get some ice cream, ok?"

"Alright, I want strawberry, please." She answered.

"Ok, I'll be back in five." I replied, getting up from the chair I was sitting on and headed for the food stand.

By the time I got there, I was suddenly pulled away from the line. I looked to see... Heather?

"What do you want?" I asked her, trying to get back to the food stand.

But she grabbed my hand, not letting me leave. "I broke up with Lucas, and I want to be with you, you incredible drummer!"

I stared at her, shock, and shook my head. "Since when did you want to be with me?"

"Since I started to fall in love with you last week, and broke up with Lucas on the same day!" She started to hug me.

This is getting weird...

"Listen, I need to go back to Alex-"

"Why do you want to be with her, when you want to be with me?" She asked, smiling.

Then she smack down kissed me. I was trying to pull away, but she didn't let me.

We then heard a small scream. I finally pulled away to see Alex standing there, tears falling down her cheeks like rivers. She started to shake her head, through the ring at me, and bolted out of there.

"What is wrong with you!?" I told Heather, after I pick the ring up and put it in my pocket. I ran after her, calling her name over and over again. She got to her beach bag and pulled out her skateboard, and skated out of the pool and away from me. I continue to run after her, she was crossing the street, when the light turned green...

A gray car came fast...

And I fell to my knees...

I felt numb...

I quickly got up and ran over to Alex, to see her not moving. I quickly pulled out my phone, just as the driver of the gray car did the same, and called 911.

The ambulance came, got Alex, and we headed straight to the hospital. On the way, I texted Susan, Frank, and Alex's mom that Alex was hurt and we were heading to the hospital.

By the time we got there, they were running with Alex to the emergency room. I ran with them, worried as all get out, till I reach the double doors.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait." A random nurse told me.

I nodded my head, and walk to the waiting room. Susan and Frank arrived with Alex's mom on the bridge of tears and found me sitting there, replaying what had happened to Alex in my head...

~End of Flashback~

The doctor finally came, and told us of Alex's conditions. She had broken her left arm, and she had a piece of glass in her leg so they took it out. She was aloud to have visitors, but she was still passed out. I quickly walked to her room, ignoring everyone's calls.

She was laying in bed, her arm in a cast, her leg was banged up, along with her left cheek, and was passed out, breathing. I sat down in a chair next to the bed, gently holding her uninjured hand. I cried silently, kept telling her 'I'm sorry' over and over again even though she couldn't hear me. I put my other hand in my pocket, feeling the ring that was still there.

Everyone came in, worried to death. But I was the most worried out of all of them. She's the love of my life, and the only girl who I really care about and want to do everything with her...

This is all my fault...

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