Chapter Six: Realization

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Alex's POV

It's been two weeks since Rodrick had short of found out about Heather dating the lead football player, and I've been helping him feel better about it. I mean, he has had a crush on her since we met, from what I know. Hopefully he'll get over her soon.

I was in math, with Rodrick sleeping on his desk. I shook him awake just before Mr.Myers could catch him and get him in trouble. We were learning about something that, again, will never be used in our lives. I mean, come on! Practically everyone in here are completely board out of their minds and want to get the heck out of there! I continue to doodle a skateboard on my homework, sighing in utterly boardom.

-skipping to lunch-

Once we found some seats outside, me and Rodrick sat down and are in silence. Then after five minutes, I finally broke the ice.

"How ya doing?"

"Fine, just really tired." Rodrick replied, yawning. "You?"

"I doing fine, just completely board in math. How are you holding up?" I asked him.

"To be honest, I'm getting close to being over Heather. But..." Rodrick started to say.


"I've been feeling weird. It's short of how I felt for her, but it's different. I don't know!" He finished, sighing and putting his head down on the table.

Feeling weird? Like how he felt for Heather? Different? What the heck is it suppose to mean?

"Well, you'll figure it out soon, I know you will." I said, patting his back as I got up to throw away my trash.

Rodrick's POV

I looked up at Alex as she got out of her seat to throw her food away. I have no idea what I'm feeling right now, it's weird yet I like it. When she came back, we sat there in silence.

When the bell rang for study hall, we both got up and went inside. We headed to our lockers, opened them up, grabbed our things, and headed for Mr.Johnson's class. I was still tired, so I easily fell asleep.


After a good thirty minute nap, me and Alex headed out to go to History class to learn about the presidents of the United States, from George something to Kennedy something.

I got easily board, and started to doodle the fireworks we saw on Fourth of July this summer. I still remember it, from me and Alex in the garage hanging out, to us sitting together on the beach watching the firework show. I remember her being cold, so I put my hoodie and arm around her so she can get warm. I was feeling that weird feeling again, this time a bit more, and I have no idea what's happening to me!

I then thought of Alex seeing me breaking down when I found out about Heather and that one football player. She was telling me that I was a great best friend and amazing drummer, and she was happy for having me as her friend.

Alex... she's always there for me, no matter what. The feeling is coming back, this time I know what it is.

I think... I think I'm falling for Alex.

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