Chapter Seven: Cofession

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Rodrick's POV

I was falling for Alex! I'm falling for Alex! I like Alex! Holly cow, this is insane! She'll still think of me as a friend, but who knows, she might have feeling for me. But she might like someone els. What should I do!?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Alex telling me that we have to go to English. I nodded my head, following her to our lockers so we can get our book bags and stuff for the weekend.

How on earth am I going to tell her how I feel? Then a brilliant idea formed in my head. I'll just ask her for help on homework for English, then when we're alone I'll tell her! Cheesy, I know, but I have to tell her!

When we got to English, me and Alex sat next to each other in the middle of the classroom and waited for the bell to ring. Once it did, people were going to their seats and came in Alex's mom, Mrs.Brooks.

----time skip!----

After the bell rang, everyone was going out the door like there was no tomorrow. I was looking for Alex in the crowded hallways, when I felt someone poking my arm. So I turned around, to see Alex right behind me.

"Hey, need a ride?" I asked her.

"Sure, plus I know for a fact that you need help with homework." She answered me.

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p'.

When we made it outside, I instantly saw Heather and what's-his-face kissing in Heather's red car. I looked away, trying to look informed my van. Once I spotted the white 'LODED DIPER' van, I started to walk towards it with Alex right behind me. When we had gotten into the van, I started the engine and drove out of campus and headed home.

When we got there, we headed inside and went to my room, since that's were we usually hang out and do our homework. I pulled out my homework for English, and grabbed a bunch of pencils and started to work with Alex.

"Ok, do you already know how to at least write a sentence in cursive?" She asked me while I was spinning my pencil in my right hand.


"Here, I'll help you." She scooted closer to me as we were on the bed. "To write an I, you write it like this..." She moved her pencil across the paper, writing a beautiful I.

"Ok, let me try." I said, grabbing my pencil and writing an I. Which looked like scribbles.

"Here, like this." Alex said, as she put her hand on mine and moving it so it can be a perfect I.

When she finished, we looked at each other, her hand not leaving mine yet. We looked into each other's eyes, we were slowly moving towards each other, closing our eyes. Our lips suddenly crashed, making my heart beat fast. I moved my hands so now I was holding her, her hands snaked around my neck.

When we pulled away to catch our breath, we were breathing heavily and her face was like a tomato. "Umm..." She started to say, but I cut her off with another kiss.

Alex's POV

Oh... my... god! I'm kissing Rodrick! I think my face is a tomato right now, but I don't care. I felt like I was on cloud nine, nothing was there except me and Rodrick. Was this a dream? I sure hope not! But I'm pretty sure that this is real. I'm the happiest person right now!!!

When we pulled back for air again, we were breathing heavily and Rodrick said, "I like you Alex. I didn't realize it till that day when you were saying about how I was an amazing person and all, when I looked at you, you're more beautiful than any girl I've seen. More beautiful than Heather. I like you Alex." He then gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Rodrick, I like you too!" I said, hugging him. He hugged back, we stayed like that for a minute.

We then pulled away and went back to our homework, even though it was Friday and all, but I think it's better if we got it done today than the last minute.

"So... are we officially...?" I started to say, then Rodrick said, "Boyfriend and Girlfriend? I don't knoe, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

"Sweet." He said, just as he pulled me into another kiss.

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