Chapter Five: Feelings

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Alex's POV

I had put my stuff away when I had gotten home, and I texted Rodrick that I'll be coming over, but he didn't reply back to me. I was starting to get worried, so I quickly skated to his house, which was about two blocks away from mine.

I knocked on the door, to see Greg answering it. "Hey Alex, what are you doing here?"

"I came to help Rodrick with his art project and homework, where is he anyways?" I said, as Greg let me in.

"I don't know, he's probably in his room upstairs." He answered me.

"Thanks." I said as I ran upstairs with my book bag.

When I had gotten to his door, I knocked first. There was no answer, so I knocked again and walked right in. I saw Rodrick, sitting with his drumsets, messing with the crash-symbols.


He looked up at me, his eyes a bit red and puffy. Was he... crying? In all my life hanging out with him I have never seen him cry before. What was wrong with him?

"What's wrong?"

I came closer to him, he moved so now he was sitting on his bed, so I sat next to him. He put his head on my shoulder, and cried silent tears. I, awkwardly, rubbed my hand on his back. Man, I have never seen him like this. What on earth happened?

And as if reading my mind, he finally said. "I saw Heather."

"What about Heather?"

"She was... kissing the lead football player in the student parking lot." Rodrick answered.

I was shocked. I didn't know what to do, so I kept rubbing his back and telling him that everything's going to be ok. I then gave him a hug, he was hugging me back while his tears were staining my hoodie. But I didn't care at the moment, I just wanted to see him be happy again.

"I can't believe she was going out with him. I thought she was into me, but she wants someone who's popular and not a loser like me..." Rodrick said.

"Rodrick," I said, pulling from the hug. He looked at me, tears running down his cheeks. "I know it sucks, but you need to stop saying you're a loser. You're the most amazing drummer I have ever met. You're funny, smart, good looking, and an amazing best friend anyone could have. You're not a loser, you're an amazing person from the inside and out, Rodrick. And I am so grateful that you're my best friend."

Rodrick's POV

What Alex had said to me made me a lot better, but there's something that I cannot describe that I'm feeling right now. I looked at Alex, her face being lit from the sun shining from my small window. Her blond and brown hair was down and wavy from the braid she had put in earlier. All and all, she looked... amazing. Actually, she's... beautiful.

Alex's POV

Rodrick finally smiled. "Thanks for being the greatest person ever, Alex." He hugged me again. I gratefully hugged back.

"So, why are you here again?"

"To help you with your homework and art project." I answered him.

"Oh, right." I smirked, and we both got started on our homework.

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