Chapter One: Memories

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Alex's POV

~11:35 pm~

Even though tomorrow was the first day of school, I still couldn't sleep due to the excitement runny though me as I sat on my window ledge, looking at the bright stars. My room was dark, the only thing lighting it up was the moon. I was also a bit nervous, because this is our third year of high school, after that is senior year, then it's possibly college and then we all grow up.

And just like that one Taylor Swift song, I don't want to grow up. I still want to be a kid and live life to the fullest, but we have to grow up. I plan on exploring the world and skate every place that I go to. And hopefully my best friend, Rodrick, will rock the world and I'll go to one of his concerts, holding up a sign with big letters that spell "I TOLD YOU THAT YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!".

We've been best friends since the eighth grade, and had every single class together since. I knew I liked him, like more than just a friend, I just didn't know it 'till this summer...


Me and Rodrick were hanging out in his garage, him playing the drums while I was playing with my neon blue and black electric guitar. I've had the guitar since I was forteen, and I had just turned fifteen on June 17. It was July 4th, tonight everyone was going to watch the fireworks display later.

Fourth of July is my favorite holiday besides Halloween, the only two reasons why were because I get to wear my two favorite colors: blue and white. The other reason where the fireworks. They are the most beautiful things I'll get to see every year each summer. I was wearing a white tank top with blue stars one it, red skinny jeans with holes on the knees, and tennis shoes.

"You excited about the fireworks, Alex?" Rodrick asked me as he was twirling both of his drum sticks, one in both hands. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with the american flag on it, a red hoodie, jeans and tennis shoes.

I looked at him, my brown and blond hair being pulled into a ponytail, smiling. "Yeah, I'm really excited about it."

He smiled back, and was about to say something but was interrupted by the door opening to reveal Susan (aka Rodrick's mom). She was wearing a blue, red and white plaid shirt, with jeans and boots.

"Hey, you guys, we're leaving soon. Greg and Manny want to go to the carnival really bad, ok?" Susan informed us.

"Ok, I'll pack my guitar up."

"Ok, we're leaving in fifteen minutes."

She than close the door, I started to pack my guitar in its leather case, that I can wear like a bookbag. My skateboard was right next to it, so I'll be ready to leave in the morning since I'm spending the night. The reason I'm spreading the night is because I can't skate at night and we would get back by, I would say, eleven-ish, so I'll be really tired.

"What are you gonna do when we get to the carnival?" I asked Rodrick.

"Well, I'm going to see if Heather is there and will try to see of she'll watch the fireworks with me. What about you?" He answered me.

"I'll play some games with Greg and eat cotton candy and junk." I said to him, my back faced away from him since I was zippering up my case.

I don't know why, but when ever I hear about him trying to get Heather to date him, I'll just get upset for no reason what-so-ever. Maybe Susan knows something, I'll ask her later, but right now, we have to get going.

-flash froward a little-

"Aww, I didn't beat the game!" Greg exclaimed as we were in the arcade room near the beach. The fireworks were being held there, and the carnival was at the docks.

"Better luck next time, Greg." I said to him as I just finished beating the high score on a random game I played.

"Yeah, ok."

"Hey," I looked at him. "don't let it bring you down. You didn't win, so what? I know, for a fact, that you'll beat the high score, no matter what!"

"Thanks Alex, you're a really good friend. And you too, Rowley." Greg said, just as Rowley made a little face at him for what he said first, but instantly forgave him at what he said after that.

I smiled, and walked to the cotton candy stand, paid the seller five bucks, and got a mixing pink and blue cotton candy in a clear bag.

The fireworks were about to go off, in five minutes, so I told Greg and Rowley, "Come on, we don't want to miss the fireworks!"

"Coming!" They both yelled as they started to run with me through the crowd and on to the beach that everyone els was at and waiting for the fireworks. Once we got there, I sat down next to Rodrick and Greg, just as the fireworks were going off. They were lighting up the darken sky, in all shorts of shapes and colors.

The wind was blowing all around us, and I was starting to shiver. Crap, why didn't I bring my hoodie with me!?

"You ok?" Rodrick asked me as I held my arms around me, trying to get some warmth.

"Yeah, just a bit cold." I answered him. He then grabbed his hoodie, took it off, wrapped it and his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.


"Just fine, thank you."

"No problem."

I didn't know if I did or not, but I could have sworn that I heard a couple going "Awww!" over what Rodrick had done. I looked at him, smiled, and turned back to the very colorful fireworks. I was feeling warm, not from the hoodie, but where my heart is and I'm liking the feeling.

I was getting a bit tired, so I put my head on Rodrick's shoulder, still looking at the fireworks. Again, I hear the couple going "Awww!" We're not a couple! I was just tired and a bit cold, that's all!

But maybe I do like him... as in 'more than a friend' kind of thing...

After the fireworks were over, we all walked to the car, everyone getting in and drove off home.

~End of Flash Back~

With the happy memory in my head, I crawled back on to my bed and fell asleep, with a small smile on my face.

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