Hunter and Huntress

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The title is a joke- But the story is about George being a vampire while Dream being the a hunter, there both new at what they do uhhh so if you know what I mean, the way I write isn't the best so uhhh yeah-

George's pov

I knew it was sooner or later when I would get my first name and face. By that I mean what target I had. I recieved a small book with a photo and a description of my target.

Description: Mostly wears lime jackets, has dirty blond hair, goes to bars once a week, wears a mask to hide his face, green eyes, dresses casually.

I looked at the photo of him and he looked stunning. His smile was bright, the lighting behind him making the picture look perfect. Focus George! I shook my head and brought my attention to the crowd infront of me. I looked over many people and none looked like the one on he photo, I moved away and sat down in a bench by myself, putting my head down hoping to take a nap.

I felt a poke on my shoulder as I slowly looked up. "Hello, are you ok?" The other said, giving me a hand to stand up. I took his hand and noticed he was Dream, my eyes widened before I looked away not wanting to make it obvious I was a vampire, knowing he was a hunter.

"I-Im fine.. thank you..." I said nervously while the other chuckled. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok" He said, the omly thing I could see was his smile, the rest covered by his mask. He gently put a hand on my shoulder and made me flinch, moving away quickly. "Oh! Sorry, i didn't know you-" He stopped while I smiled at him, still backing away. "No no no its f-fine, it was just sudden.." I admitted.

For a hunter he doesn't really act like one, is he new to his job like I am? "I forgot to ask, what's your name?" I looked back at Dream and stuttered. "O-Oh my names um...G-George" He leaned close to my face before saying, "Hello Georgie~" I let out a shaky breath before moving away. "S-Stop..." He nodded before speaking again. "My name is Dream, but you can call me Clay" Dream turned around and started walking towards the bar behind him, while ai slowly followed behind him. "Nice to meet you D-Dream.."

[Time skip ]

I never knew what it meant when someone got drunk but im pretty sure Dream is... He started drinking and drinking, he offered me some but I declined kindly. After a few drinks he started being flirty around me. "Georgieeee~" I felt Dreams hand wrap around my neck, pulling my down towards him. "It's hard being a vampire hunter you knowww" He whined while I listened to him. "You're a vampire hunter? That's cool, at least I've heard" I said, trying not to let my guard down. "Are you new here? I've never seen you before.." Dream said, sitting up and resting his head on his arms.  I shook my head as a no. "I recently moved in to this place to study" I lied, smiling hoping he would believe it. He smiled back, and sigh. "You're nice George, not many people here are kind like you..."

"Really?" I sounded shocked, because I really was. Why weren't many people nice? Is that how this place worked? "Yeah..." I heard a low whisper from Dream, his breath hitting the back of my neck. I jumped and looked to my left, a noticeable blush on my face. "You're so pretty George..." Dream said as he picked himself up and gently grabbed one of my cheeks, most likely noticing my pale skin as he looked at me.I looked down towards his neck, knowing it was easy to lean and bite him but for some reason I couldn't. We made eye contact for a brief second before I looked away. Now's my chance,  he's vulnurable and no one is around to see us-

I felt a pair of soft lips on my own, causing me to bring my attention back to Dream. I completely froze, leaning foward a bit to kiss back, getting a warm feeling throughout my body. It feels so wrong....I can't..... After what felt like minutes, Dream pulled away and looked at me. My mouth was left open in shock before immediately covering my mouth with my hand, hoping he didn't see my fangs. "D-Dream?... Why did you...." I was left speechless as he smiled and leaned towards my chest, holding one of my hands. "Your hands are so cold George...." He said, pausing before continuing. "I-I know we just met but I...I think I like you..." Dream quietly wheezed, dropping a weapon from his pocket on accident while he leaned back. I looked down at him before shacking my head. "I-I.....I can't...." I mumbled below my breath. I lifted Dream up, nervous if he finds out what I am.

I looked outside and noticed the sun started rising. "I...I can't Dream..." Dream looked at me confused. "Hm? Why not...?" He asked while I slowly headed towards the door. "I-Im sorry..." I turned to him and saw him stand up, walking towards me to give me a hug. "It's ok....I know why..." He said in a gentle tone, wrapping his arms around my shoulders to hold me closer. I stood still in shock, not knowing what to do. I felt a burn in my skin before noticing the sunlight went through the window, hitting my skin. "Ow.." I whispered quietly.

I can't do it... I told myself one more time, seeing how close Dream was to me. I let out a shaky breath before akwardly smiling. "I-I have to go, Dream..." Dream lifted up his head to look at me, giving me a gentle smile. "I hope we meet again soon, Clay..." I gave him a smile back before leaving the building, placing my hand ontop of my lips. I couldn't do it

Author's note: Idk why I always have to make myself write at least 1000 words every chapter. Wow

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