Prison au

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I stayed up thinking of ideas of what to write when my sister gave me a good one, which Dream could kill anyone he made eye contact with, which he did to kill people he didnt like. George was wrongfully accused and was put in prison with Dream. I might make this into a few parts :P

George's pov

"Next is...prisoner 404" I felt myself being pushed by the guards behind me, forcing me to walk into the huge prison entrance. "You're George rigth?" I nodded, gulping as I looked up slowly. The guard pointed towards the rigth, the grip from them on my arm tighten. "Ow..." I winced while they leaded me towards the main cells of the building.

The guards shoved me into an empty cell, locking the gates behind me causing me to panic. At least I thought the cell was empty, until I heard low breathing really close by. I looked towards the beds, build like bunk beds but instead they were stuck to the walls not each other, amd made out of metal so it won't budge...

I saw someone sleeping as I sat up, sitting in the dark corner of the cell and hugging my legs. I lowered my head and found myself falling asleep easily, not knowing what tomorrow was going to bring.


Dream's pov

My mask was getting annoying to wear 24/7, but I wasn't allowed to take it off. Guess they knew how dangerous I can be... I sigh in frustration before seeing a small figure in the corner. I squinted my eyes and the form of a person appeared, my eyes adjusting to the dark while I saw more of them. They had dark brown hair, at least that's what it looked like in the dark. I reached for the lamp by the floor, flipping the switch and seeing to my suprise someome different. The other laid his head on the wall, hugging their legs for support with a few tears in their eyes. I got closer to them, getting of my bed to see him better. He had a porcelain face, long but perfect eyelashes, the amount of blush his face had made me smile.

I need to be careful, I don't think I want to hurt him... I held onto my mask, making sure it won't fall as I felt the other boys breathing slow down. He started stretching and opening his eyes, waking up and looking rigth at my mask. "Wa..Wait...." He looked around them covered his face. "I want this to be a.... dream..." I backed away from him, migth as well introducing myself. "Oh, um... Hi! I'm Dream" I smiled, even though he couldn't see it he weakly smiled back. "I-Im George..." He ended the conversation fast, until I spoke up again. "What's someone as cute as you doing here?" I can tell I caugth him off guard, his blush appearing across his face. The corner of his lips twitched as he tried holding back a smile, before he started speaking,

"I-I was wrongfully accused of murder.." I tilted my head, letting him know I was...interested. "Can you tell me how that happened? Unless if you're uncomfortable! " I quickly said after, not wanting to make him feel uneasy on his first day. He chuckled quietly. "No no its ok...I guess I used a knife that morning to cut something, I can't remember what.. It wasn't a person I can reassure you that" He jokingly said before frowning and sighing. "I guess someone broke into my apartment with gloves on, since they only caugth my fingerprints and a bloody knife"

I thought of ways to make him feel better. "What about you....?" I looked at George after the question he asked. "Huh? Me? Oh um..." I paused before continuing. "I-I murdered a few people, not on purpose! It was an accident...." He hummed before leaning closer to me, reaching for my mask. "Does it have to do with your mask?" I nodded. "Actually yeah, I um... I kill people if they make eye contact with me.. even for a split second"

George looked at me, seeing the small cracks on my mask. "Why are there cracks?" I shrugged. "Its a pretty old mask..." I was quiet, looking at the facial features George had, his smile, his blush, even his eyes and hair. Oh how much I just wanted to kiss him, but then it would be weird since we just met...

I backed away, giving George some air to breath. I stood up and held my hand out for him, seeing him hesitate before he took my hand and got up too. "Let me show you around, if you'd like" I offered, turning to see a small nod from George. We walked out the cell since they open every morning, heading towards the cafeteria for breakfast. I wrapped my arm around George as we walked, seeing him flinch and move away. "Oh sorry, did that bother you?" I asked, moving my hand away and seeing his messed up hair. "I-Its fine..." I could tell George wasn't a talkative person, so I didn't force him to talk.

We walked towards an empty table, seeing Sapnap, Karl and others glance our direction. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the, and sitting down facing George. "Are you hungry?" George shook his head, leaning his head down towards the table, messing with his hair. "Not.....Not really..." I stood up again to get some food, leaving George alone at the table for a few minutes.

3rd person's pov

The time that Dream was away, George was weak and vulnurable to others around him. Sapnap and Karl had stood up after Dream left, heading towards George. Sapnap banged the table with his fists, causing George to jump and look up. "Ah!" He looked to his left and saw both people there. "Um h-hello?..." George akwardly looked away when they didn't answer.

Sapnap looked at Karl, seeing him nod before looking back at George and forcefully pushing him off the table. George fell and hit the back of his head, quickly sitting up and scooting to a corner. He raised his hands to cover his face, his heart beating quickly as he heard the other boys scoff. They luckily walked away as Dream started coming back. It didn't take him long to notice George on the floor. He rushed, put the plate down, amd helped George stand up. George was obviously frightened that he continued looking at the floor.

[Time skip]

Dream had convinced George to eat, at least a little bit before they headed back to the cell to rest. The hallway light was off, meaning the cells were dark. Dream took this opportunity to hopefully help George calm down as he took out a small phone. He handed them to George with a smile. "You can...listen to music to help you calm down" George looked up suprised, whispering. "H-How did you get that?..."

Dream's pov

George took the phone and pressed the power button, seeing the brightness but slowly adjusting to the ligth. "Oh, here I forgot this" I searched under the matress and got some headphones, handing them to George while his face caugth a blush. "T-Thank you..." His whisper was low as he started playing music, I sat next to him to make sure he was ok. I noticed a few cuts he had gotten in his jawline area but I ignored it for now.

Soon I felt George's head lean on my shoulder, the last words he said before going to sleep were, "T-Thank you, Dream..."

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