Prison au (2)

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Author's note: I know it's supposed to be one shots but I didn't like the way I ended the past prisom au thingy so have another part :D

George's pov

I woke up to a ringing in my ears, my eyes opening slowly as I saw a figure in the dark next to me. I squinted my eyes before noticing it was Dream, his sleeping expression helped me calm down, seeing his mask on the floor. He started stretching and picked up his mask rigth before his eyes opened. I looked at his mask and nervously looked away.

"Oh, here I um.. almost forgot" I handed him the earphones and phone, a small blush appearing on my face. "Thank you again.." Dream took the pieces and stood up, putting them up before nodding. "I normally don't help people but uhh I guess you're different" I opened my mouth to say something but Dream continued talking before I could. "Anyways we should sleep, I know we just woke up from our nap but it's getting dark" I stood up and gripped onto the bard of the cell, trying to look out before walking towards the bed. "I guess you're rigth"

I laid down on the bottom bunk while Dream laid in the top one. At first I ignored the coldness but soon I started shivering, the jumpsuit they made me wear was cold and made my body freeze more. "It's c-cold..." I mumbled to which Dream most likely heard. "Do you want to share this blanket? Not in a weird way I just-" Dream said, a small giggle escaping my lips. "I know you wouldn't do anything weird like that, dont worry"

I shyly got on the edge on the bed, seeing Dream sitting up with the blanket over his legs. I looked at his mask again, becoming curious on why he wouldn't take it off. I reached for his mask, grabbing the edges before Dream backed away. "What are you doing?" He asked, while I responded with a whisper. "Nothing.." I held my breath as I slowly started lifting up Dream's mask. "George wait-" By the time he finished saying wait, I took off the mask. His eyes were closed shut before he slowly opened them, immediately making eye contact with me. His gaze didn't make me feel uncomfortable like it normally would, it somehow made me blush and smile.

Dream stopped and looked to his left. "I-I guess I can control it..." I was a bit confused but then looked at his facial features, the ligth freckles on his face, his brightly colored eyes, if only I wasn't colorblind so I could see the actual color... Dream sigh before slowly laying down. "Well that was...something.." I nodded and let out a small 'mhm' before nervously laying down next to him. He wrapped the blanket over both of us and chuckled. "At least now I can't hurt you..."

I wondered why nothing happened, he said he could control it but he couldn't before? Or does it have to be with someone he.... cares... about?.. No... he doesn't care about me, we've only known each other for a few days

The more I thought about it, the more likely it was. His kind and generous gestures maybe meant more than I think. Maybe he likes me? I doubt he's into guys... Dream had turned around to look back at me. "George, go to sleepp" He whined, wrapping his arms around my waist. I gasped and flinched before calming myself down. This is fine, maybe this is just how he shows affection or...

Im over thinking this, he migth just be doing it to help me calm down. I laid down next to Dream, feeling arms on my waist pulling me closer. Dream's hand ran through my hair, a blush appearing on my face while I held my breath. Normally I would have asked what Dream was doing but the warmth his body gave off made me even sleepier than before.

My eyes shut, feeling my heart beating fast while I took small breaths. Soon I fell asleep, still feeling Dream's hand on my hair.


Dream's pov

George quickly fell asleep, low but barely audible snores could be heard. When I wasn't in prison, I remember a friend telling me when someone snores that means they are very tired or feel comfortable. I held George closer, moving his hair to the side as I felt a smile forming in my face before I gently kissed his forehead. I looked down and saw George's lips slowly form a small smile, his hands moving to cover his mouth. Even when he sleeps he still acts shy, cute

I closed my eyes and leaned my head towards his neck to rest, my hand never leaving his hair.

[Time skip :]

If the morning ligth wasn't going to wake me up, the hands messing with my hair were. I groaned and moved sligthly to let George know I was awake, feeling George's hands back away before he slowly moved them back and rested his hands near my neck.

I kept my eyes closed as George sigh before letting out a breath that sounded like a short laugh. "Good morning.." I tiredly let out. "Oh, g-good morning Dream" I slowly start to sit up, George's hands in my hair moved away in a gentle way.

George sat up and bit his lip, looking at the floor nervously. "I-I had a weird dream..." I looked at George and waited. "Hm?" George stuttered, clearly flustered at what he was saying. "I-Did you kiss me or something? No that was too- I just made things more akward- sorry" He waved his hands infront of his face, shaking his head before he just buried his face in his hands.

I moved away his hands and saw him look up. "You didn't make things akward" I reassured him while he looked around flustured. "I didnt? B-But what about-" I cut him off with a sigh before leaning fowards, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. George stopped moving and tensed up, before feeling him kiss back. The kiss lasted a few more seconds before I backed away.

George held his hand up to his mouth, smiling but also suprised. "W-Wha-why?..." George asked while I placed my hand in his cheek, chuckling before answering. "Because I love you George" He quickly looked at me as he let out a gasp, his voice turning to a whisper while he placed his hand ontop of mine. "I-I love you too Dream.."

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