Dream can time travel :0

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I've been writing on my notepad since I didn't have wattpad for a while

Im back, for a bit :)

Dream's pov



"DREAM!!" I jumped and turned to look at Sapnap, seeing him hold some sort of orb. "Uhm sorry, I was distracted-" I turned around to get my mask from the desk behind me, suddenly feeling nervous. "Dream, today's the day, right?" Sapnap got in front of me as I nodded, putting on my mask and taking the small orb from his hand, seeing it turn to a little ball with a smile. (It changes to match the person holding it)

The sudden memories of George sent a painful feeling in my head. My stomach fluttering at the thought of seeing him again. "Dream, what are you even going to do once you see him?" I didn't respond and heard Sapnap continue. "You're going to meet George, but he's not the same as the one you knew" I cut him off before he continued. "All I know is that he was living in a uh pleace called Earth-"

Sapnap leaded me to a different room with a dimension portal, specifically set for a place called 'Earth'. "Remember, don't get distracted by any girls or something" I scoffed and rolled my eyes, raising my hand to shoo him away. "Oh dont worry, I won't " I took a deep breath and nodded slowly, seeing Sapnap nod back, waving as he pressed a button before I saw a flashing ligth. Then everything went dark.


I woke up leaning against a tree, some dirt falling on my dull colored clothes. "Where am I?..." I took a quick peek of my watch to see the what year I teleported to. 1979? That's so random, what am I supposed to get from here?

I raised my mask and took a deep breath, standing up and noticing a building in front of me. There was a small sign that read 'remember to wear masks and show up with an invitation' Invitation? For what? People walked past me, their clothing worn out and covered in dirt. I felt bad, seeing them walk in an alleyway to a little tent. I shook my head and walked closer to the building from before, the entrance wide open. Maybe if I sneak in no one will notice?

After changing to more 'representable clothes' I decided to walk in with my mask on, hoping no one will be suspicious.

"Who are you?" I turned to see a shorter boy with dark blue eyes covered by his tinted glasses, a crown on his head as well. George?... He's the king? Seeing George infront of me made me feel as if I wouldn't be able to hold myself back. Act like I don't know him, act like I don't know him."Um, im- new here" He hummed in doubt but let out a sigh. "Do you have an invitation at least?" I shifted nervously, thinking of how to answer. "No-"

Lights pointed towards us, people backing up as the rest of the room became darker. I've seen this happen many times before, every time I ruin it somehow. This time could be different... I looked at the king and held out my hand, asking for a dance nervously. "Uhm- m-may I have this dance?" The king looked up and down at me before taking my hand, his face showing a bland expression. He moved his hands towards my shoulders while I placed one of my hands on his waist.

People were murmuring among themselves while I slowly started to move my feet. Am I even doing this right? I looked down nervously, knowing Sapnap is most likely seeing what is happening. "I'm only dancing with you so I won't look bad infront of others." I looked at the king and hummed a small 'hm?' . My face felt warm although I blamed it on my mask. He glared at me while I noticed the glasses falling off a bit, giving me a chance to see his eyes. Oh no... did I make a bad first impression?.. "I never got you're um- you're name"

"It's George, King George if you prefer"

"King George? Oh shoot um..... Sorry for making a bad first impression-" George looked annoyed as he scoffed and turned to the side, moving his feet along with mine. "You know how to dance?" I asked, noticing how we never stepped on each other's feet accidentally. "I'm a king, I need to know, rigth?" I thought about it for a while before agreeing. "Yeah- I guess so".


The day passed by quicker than I thought it did. Once I looked outside the window by the entrance the sky was a dark shade of blue, the stars illuminating the sky. "What's your name? I never got it" I turned to see George looking at me with a curious expression. He's pretty short-

"My name? It's Dream" I heard a chuckle from George. "Dream? What kind of name is that?". "Its a nickname a friend gave me" I replied. George walked to sit down on his 'throne', moving his hand to signal me to follow him. I saw George sit down while I stood next to him, I looked like a guard or something-

"Well, it's been fun, Dream" George said with a sigh while I turned to look at him again. "Is there something you have to do?" George laughed quietly before lifting up his glasses, standing up and turning to me. "I'm a king so naturally yes, I do have something to do" I scoffed and rolled my eyes, which luckily it was covered by my mask. "Rigth, right, sorry, your highness-" I held back a laugh and bit my lip. "Haha very funny, commoner" George replied sarcastically.

"Ok I'm not a commoner-" I said, adjusting my tie. George put his glasses next to him on the seat and started walking away. I followed him, seeing how much I could bother him for fun. I knew I would have to leave after this nigth and go to an alternate universe.

George turned around and stopped walking once we reached an empty hallway. "Why are you following me?" I didn't respond and akwardly hummed a song. "What? Do you want something from me?" George continued to talk while I looked at him, gently holding onto his hand (not in a weird way ig). I saw a blush form on George's face before I held his cheek with my other hand. "You don't remember...me?..." I frowned and saw him hold my hand on his cheek. "I don't but this- feels weirdly.....familiar"

Familiar?... "F-Familiar how?" This was unusual for George to recognize the warm feeling of my hands.

3rd persons pov ig :)

George lifted up his head slowly, already missing the warm feeling against his cheek, although he was good at not showing. Maybe I used to know him....but forgot? Dream slowly lifted up his mask, to which George was instantly stunned by Dream's eyes. He couldn't see the color rigth but if he could he knew they would look beautiful.

George looked away, trying to distract himself as Dream stood in front of him. Dream thought it would be akward to stand there in silence, but to his surprise it wasn't. "George?...." George hummed in response, thinking of what to say. "It's been- fun-" George took a deep breath before moving quickly and giving a gentle kiss on Dream's cheek. Dream blushed and hovered his hand over where George's lips touched.

"Wha- George-" Dream was left speechless as he saw George groan and turn around. "I uh- gotta go-" George walked away looking down, leaving Dream alone in the hallway.

Dream stood still before getting an alarm sound on his watch, he shook his head and looked down, seeing a hologram from Sapnap facepalming. "Dream-" He turned off his watch and walked in an empty room. (Ig to tp back to where Sapnap is at)

Ok ok I forgot how to write-

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