Just a stream

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Author's note : Hello person, you have school tommorow :D
Most of us do honestly :')

George's pov

"How have you been with Dream?" Sapnap asked while I leaned back in my chair. "It's been good, are you going to stream?" I replied, hearing Sapnap chuckle. "I already am, join the smp" "Ok lemme just.." I leaned foward and opened minecraft, joining the server before hanging up and joining the discord call. "Ok im here" I heard multiple people say hi at the same time. "Hi guys" I said back.

After a few minutes, I started my stream, waving both my hand facing the camera. "Hello everyone, welcome to the stream!" I saw the chat say hi then started playing a bit of minecraft on the Dream smp.

[Time skip]

"Sapnap stop killing me!!!" I made my character raise my shield to avoid taking damge, seeing my health go lower. "SAPNAP!" He stopped hitting me for a second then I immediately went past him and sprinted towards the Church of prime, laughing when I reached the land. Sapnap stopped and chuckled. "Damn it! You got lucky, once you leave you're dead!"

I disconnected from the server and laughed. "Pahah! Now you can't kill me" Sapnap sighed then chuckled. "I'll just put lava, that way you die to lava not me" I groaned and shook my head. "No! Dream help me!" I waited a few seconds before hearing Dream. "Huh? Oh yeah lemme j-just um..." He laughed akwardly before joining the server and running towards Sapnap. I was looking at Sapnap's stream and saw Dream appear on the screen. "Can I join back?"

Dream said "Yeah" I logged back onto the server, switching to my water bucket to put up the lava, turning the rest around it to cobblestone. I felt relieved then noticed Dream being too quiet, I checked the discord to check if he was ok but he had just mutted himself. I didn't ask why as I continued to run away from Sapnap.

"Wait Sapnap-" I said in a less playful tone, letting Sapnap know i was serious. I looked to my rigth and left the call, making a new one and inviting Dream. After a few sconds he joined which was a bit weird since he always joined immediately. This time there was a delay. I messed with the settings to make sure chat couldn't hear him while I could. "Um.. G-George? Why did you add me to this call?" I froze my minecraft screen and and whispered to Dream, 'You're acting different than normal' He let out a shaky breath, laughing it off. "Can chat hear me?" I replied with no and he sounded... tired? 'Leave your mic unmuted, its just me in the call'

I unfroze the screen when the messages dissapeared, smiling at chat. "Sorry about that chat, I just had to change my settings" That wasnt even a lie, I was messing with the setttings. I continued playing like normal until I heard a low groan from Dream. "Dream? Are you ok?" I asked while seemed suprised. "Y-Yeah it's just your...your voice..." I smiled widely, seeing the chat ask what's happening, a blush appearing on my face. "My voice? What about yours?" I asked, hearing a shaky breath from Dream. "You want to hear my voice?.."

I shrugged and leaned my head towards the side of the desk, hidding half my face to which the camera couldn't catch. "I-I do.." I heard a small chuckle from Dream, most likely watching my stream. "Your so cute, George.." I cleared my throat before calming myself so the chat won't be suspicious. "Mm~ George~" I sat back up and smiled, covering it with my mouth. "Dream, you're distracting me from my stream..." I heard Dream moan out loud before responding. "Y-You told me to unmute~"

My face had a noticeable blush, i didn't even try to hide it as I listened to Dream, the chat going crazy and spamming what was happening. I looled down to my key board, looking to my left when I felt my pants tighten. "Damn it.." I mumbled to myself, looking back up and taking a deep breath. "Sorry chat.. Dream's mic wasn't working so I couldn't hear him and-" I was cut off by Dream, his heavy breathing. "Oh come on George~" I stopped talking and looked to my left as if Dream was there.

I looked back at chat before standing up, "Im sorry, it was a fun stream! I have to take care of something" I looked at my phome and pretended to call someone as I ended the stream.

Dream's pov

I saw George's stream turn black as he ended it, I looked to see if he was still in a call with me and suprisingly he was. Normally he would have left, unless... "Dream what the hell was that!" George barged into my room without knocking, which i turned to him and smiled. "Hi Georgie~" I said in the same tone as earlier, causing George to blush before he walked towards me. He looked mad as he grabbed my jacket, leaning in to give me a passionate kiss. I kissed back and grabbed George's wrist, moving my hand towards his shirt while he moved closer.

I felt butterflies on my stomach, moving a hand behind George's neck, pulling him towards the bed. He fell ontop of me, giving me an easy chance to turn around. I gently cupped one of his cheeks, using my other hand to flip us over, now making me be ontop of George. He finally backed away while we both were gasping for air. I smirked, moving my leg in between George's legs and pushed upwards, hearing a small moan from George. "M-Mm!~"

George bit his lip while I leaned toward his neck, leaving marks and soft kisses all around. "D-Dream...I-Im going to stream tomorrow!-" I cut him off by lifting up my head and kising him deeply. He kissed back, carelessly giving me a chance to slip my tongue. I kissed him rough yet gently, hearing muffled moans coming from George. "D-Dream~" I felt shivers go down my spine when I tilted my head. I backed away and let out a soft breath on George's neck,  seeing him flinch.

I suddenly got up and smiled. "Good luck with your stream tomorrow, love you Georgie~" I walked out the room and left George inside, his face flushed and suprised. "M-My stream! How am i going to hide t-this..." Those were the last things I heard before closing the door. If he wears an oversized hoodie people will know. I smiled to myself, wanting people to see the marks. Oh George...

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