Chapter 15.1 (Midnight Train)

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Chapter 15.1

The back door to the kitchen of Lawrence Hall swung open. Nathan blinked furiously. He was doing his best to see through the rain but he barely missed bumping into the dumpster. The rain continued to pound against Malick, Nathan and Jonas as they darted towards the silver metallic car. Before Nathan could grab the door handle, the polished-looking vehicle with aluminum wheels purred to life while blinking its red lights. Nathan heard the sound of the door locks pop open. 

"Wow," said Jonas, "it's really crazy out here!"

Moving quickly, Nathan folded back the front seat so that Jonas could climb in.

"Yeah," Nathan said to Jonas, "and you were going to walk in this?"

Nathan wiped the rain from his forehead, feeling the cool of the leather seats underneath his damp clothes. The Camaro was relatively clean and still had that new-car smell. He glanced over to find a gleaming Stephen Malick grinning at him from the driver's seat.

"What are you so happy about?" Nathan asked.

"I'm sure you never imagined that one day you would be riding shotgun in this car," Malick laughed. 

Nathan frowned as he continued to wipe the rain from his forehead and his arms. "Not exactly," he said. "Not after the stunt you pulled on the first day of camp."

Malick started the windshield wipers and turned on the heat to defog the windows. "Did I ever apologize about that?" he asked.


Malick grinned. "Oh. Well, now I just did."

Nathan looked up to the ceiling of the car and shook his head. He was caught off guard when he felt a buzz in his pocket. It was a text from Lafonda. "Where are you?" it said.

Nathan's face immediately turned red. "Lafonda knows I'm gone," he said. He placed his phone back into his pocket. "It's just a matter of time before she realizes that you and Jonas are gone too."

The front windows were clear now, and raindrops splattered on the hood of the vehicle. Malick grinned as he put his car into gear. "It's now or never," he said.

Nathan glanced back at Jonas from the rearview mirror. His hair was wet and, aside from the fact that he had clothes on, he looked like he normally did after stepping out of the shower.

Jonas realized Nathan was looking back at him and smiled.

"Just go," Nathan said to Malick.

Malick hit the gas hard. The tires screeched as the car cut through the water in the parking lot. Malick continued to beam as he quickly turned the corner. "Where to?" he asked with a smile.

"Ooookay," said Nathan, while fastening his seat belt. He heard the clicking sound of another seat belt from the backseat. "It is raining outside. Can you try not to kill us?"

"Uh, yeah, he's got a point," said Jonas.

Malick smiled and then reached to turn on the radio.

"Can you not be so excited about breaking the rules?" Nathan asked.

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