Chapter 17.3

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Chapter 17.3

Jonathan suddenly pushed back his computer chair and stood up. Nathan took a few steps back to avoid getting hit by the chair.

"All done?" he asked.

Jonathan peered over his shoulder before turning his attention back to the computer screen. "My apologies, Nathan," he said. "I am sort of in a hurry."

"Did you get what you needed?" asked Nathan.

Jonathan quickly deleted the file from the computer, closed the Internet browser, and placed the slim, black storage device into his pocket.

Nathan frowned. "Hey," he said, "I was looking at that."

"Sorry again," Jonathan said. He placed his backpack over his shoulder. "You really should come up to the Cahokia Caves sometime," he continued. "We will be entering inside the secret chamber any day now, and there are a few things that I would like to show you." Jonathan cautiously looked around the room before whispering. "And I think you will find it very interesting."

Nathan raised his eyebrows. He didn't know what Jonathan was talking about or why Jonathan would think he would find the caves interesting. "Okay," he responded slowly. 

Jonathan patted him on the shoulder and proceeded to walk away.

"Wait," said Nathan. He paused and Jonathan looked at him inquisitively. "I have a question for you," he said. "It's about your research."

Jonathan adjusted the backpack on his shoulder and repositioned his glasses. "Yes?" he said.

Nathan drew a big breath. "In your research," he said, "have you come across anything about . . . dark and powerful forces?"

Jonathan stood there for a moment and then leaned in. "That's a very good question," he said softly. "There are many dark creatures mentioned in Cahokia mythology. But there is one story that is often repeated and stands out; and that's the legend about the Fallen Ones."

"But that's just a myth, right?" asked Nathan.

There was a vibrating sound and Jonathan pulled out his cell phone from his pocket. He stood in silence as he read the text. From the look on his face, it appeared serious. "Please forgive me," he said, "but I really have to go."

"What is it?" Nathan asked.

Jonathan stumbled, placing his phone back into his pocket. He fidgeted with his backpack nervously. "Everything's fine. I just have to see Dr. Helmsley immediately."

"But wait!" said Nathan.

"Everything will be okay," said Jonathan reassuringly. "The dark may have its minions, Nathan, but the righteous have their heroes."


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