Chapter 18.3

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Chapter 18.3

Nathan could hear grumbles from some of the campers. He overheard Hugo and Andy being obnoxious about having to leave early.

"Hey," he said assertively, "you guys knock it off or you're likely to get in trouble."

"It hasn't started raining yet," protested Hugo.

Andy moaned. "Ugh, why do we have to leave early?" he asked. He started to sit back down. "What if we don't want to leave?"

"What?" asked Nathan. "Are you guys drunk, or something?" He paused to look in LaDonda's direction. "You keep this up and LaDonda's going to kill you."

Hugo flippantly waved his hand in LaDonda's direction. "Whatever," he said. "She isn't the boss of me."

"Hey, settle down!" LaDonda demanded, arms flapping in the air. "I'm not going to say it again. Now everyone get your donkeys moving, or you will be sorry!"

Andy and Hugo quickly stood up at attention.

Nathan snickered heartily. "See, I told you," he said.

"Hey," said Malick. "LaDonda wants us to quickly put out the fires before the storm hits."

Nathan tried not to frown. After today, being stuck with Malick again was the last thing he wanted. He took a deep breath and tried to relax. "Try to be appreciative," he told himself. "Even though he's acting like Fort Knox or the CIA when it comes to certain information, I would be completely clueless if it weren't for Malick."

"Nathan!" called Jonas, approaching on his left. "Can we chat for a second?"

Nathan had a pretty good idea what Jonas wanted to talk about, but he really didn't know what to tell him. Nathan wanted to keep Jonas safe at any cost, even if that meant keeping him in the dark a little while longer.

"Yeah, sure," he responded with hesitation. "But right now really isn't a good time."

Jonas suddenly looked glum.

"But let's chat later tonight," Nathan continued. "After I get back to Lawrence Hall."

"Come on, guys," said Samantha. "Let's get going so Malick and Nathan can put out these fires before they get rained on."

Nathan smiled.

She held the end of the folded-up table. "Can anybody help a lady carry a table?"

"I'll help you," responded Andy quickly.

Hugo's large forehead formed frown lines. "No, I'll do it," he said. "Look, I can carry it all by myself."

"Good," said Samantha, before Andy could get a word in. "Then Andy can carry the garbage bag, and you can carry this one" she told Jonas as she handed him the maroon bag.

"No problem," responded Andy cheerfully, with saucer eyes.

She smiled. "See you at the banquet tomorrow, Nathan," she said. "Good night, Malick." 

Nathan smiled. "Good night, Sam."

Malick nodded. 

"Don't forget to pack, guys!" shouted Nathan after them. "I want to see some packing going on when I get upstairs."

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