Chapter 17.2

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Chapter 17.2

"It won't take long," Jonathan said. "I just want to check a few websites and my e-mail."

"Just whatever," she said, waving her hand. "Just meet us in Fisher Hall's computer lab."

"Thanks, Erin!" responded Jonathan happily.

"Do you have to be so happy about it?" she asked mockingly.

Jonathan paused, secured the backpack on his shoulder, and smiled.

Erin raised her eyebrows. "I am so glad this is almost over," she muttered while walking away.

Nathan sprung to his feet. He wanted to catch Jonathan before he walked past him. He quickly bent over his chair and peered at his computer screen to see if the article and online newsletter by Colvers were still open. "Okay," he said. "Now I just need Jonathan to see this without telling him why."

"And where are you going?" asked Lafonda.

Nathan was surprised to find Lafonda standing in front of him. They really hadn't spoken to each other since the day he, Malick and Jonas had snuck out to Jonas's house. He could tell by the look on her face that she was still upset. He could also see he was losing his chance to stop Jonathan.

Out of habit he checked to see if she was still wearing her white tennis shoes. She was.

"Um, hello to you too Lafonda," he smirked.

Lafonda glowered. "Just in case you were planning on leaving," she said, "we aren't scheduled to leave here for a few more hours."

Nathan watched as Jonathan approached them. "I'm not leaving Lafonda," he said. He smiled sarcastically and then sidestepped her. "Hey, Jonathan," he said.

Jonathan stopped abruptly. It was as if he was surprised to see them. His eyes were wide, and they looked irritated, as if he had been rubbing them.

"Hi, Nathan," he said. "And Lafonda."

Lafonda stood there; head cocked to the side and her arms folded. "Hi, Jonathan," she said. "Shouldn't you be in the other computer lab?"

Jonathan hesitated. "Um, yes," he said, "and I am headed there after this."   

Lafonda tossed back a long lock of her dark hair over her shoulder. "And why can't you just use the other lab?" she asked.

Jonathan sneezed and then paused to reposition his square-rimmed glasses.

"Bless you," said Nathan, eyeing Jonathan suspiciously. "Do you have a cold or something?" 

"No," he responded. "Allergies."

Nathan still eyed him suspiciously. "Oh."

Jonathan pursed his lips. "I need to use this lab because last night I convinced the tech guy on duty to allow me to download a large file from a colleague of mine in London," he said. He held up the slim black drive that was in his hand. "I didn't have a large enough storage device to get it off the computer. Pretty much any computer will do; the tech guy was nice enough to show me how to save it to the Lawrence Hall public server."

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