Chapter 5.1 (Stephen Malick)

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Chapter 5.1

It was Friday and camp day had finally arrived. Nathan had spent most of the morning and the day before packing for his time away at camp. LaDonda had been looking forward to this day since Nathan and Lafonda returned home for summer. 

"So," said Roy, arriving at the doorway to Nathan's bedroom, "all packed for your four weeks at leadership camp?" 

Nathan sat with two suitcases flung open on the floor. They were a part of a set of four suitcases he had used to pack for his first year away at IUCF. Around him, clothes hung from half-open and closed dresser drawers or were tossed on and around his bed. He figured he could probably fit all that he needed for four weeks into one suitcase, but to avoid any opposition from Lafonda and LaDonda, he'd opted to pack a second one as well.  

"Well," said Nathan, with a smile on his face, "I probably would be done if I didn't have to spend time guessing what Lafonda and her grandmother would want me to wear this summer." He paused for a moment while glaring at the second suitcase. "I mean, besides a few shorts and a couple of T-shirts, what else do I need?"

Roy cleared his throat. "Well, that's probably why they want me to give you this," he said, handing Nathan a gold sheet of paper.

Nathan's face frowned. "What is this?" he asked.

"Just keep reading," smiled Roy. 

"Guys are to wear a suit and tie for the closing ceremony!" Nathan blurted out. "A suit and tie in the summer?" He continued to stare at the gold paper and in frustration plopped down on the edge of his bed. "Why on earth would someone want to wear a suit jacket and tie in the middle of the summer?" He shook the paper in Roy's direction. "Did you look at this?" he cried. "She also wants us to bring Dockers or slacks to wear!" 

He glared at Roy as Roy tried to hold back his laughter. 

"I swear," he ranted. "Every year that woman comes up with more and more ridiculous stuff!"

"Now, Nathan," said Roy, while trying to control his laughter, "you know how much the Leadership Camp means to LaDonda."

"Grandpa," he moaned, standing up from his bed in frustration, "there is nothing on this list that says pack shorts, T-shirts, or even gym shoes!"

"Okay, okay, let me see," said Roy with a chuckle. He quickly scanned the list of items on the paper. "It's there. It falls under bring comfortable and loose clothing."

"Ha!" shouted Nathan. "And right under that we have Dockers, khakis and loafers listed as examples." 

"Just pack a pair or two," sighed Roy, placing the gold paper on the desk. 

"I am not wearing slacks during the summer when it's like 85 degrees outside," he protested. He drew a big breath and sighed. "And I don't even own loafers!"

"Then what are those?" asked Roy, pointing to a pair of brown leather shoes covered in dust in Nathan's closet.

Nathan's eyes suddenly grew wide. "Come on!" he cried. "Those things are so old and I haven't worn them since like tenth grade!"

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