Chapter 15.3

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Chapter 15.3

"Jonas hasn't said anything," said Nathan in a somber tone. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay," she said. "That's why I don't want to be so hard on Bobby. I'm sure climbing trees and playing video games is his way of dealing with losing his father." Linda blew her nose into the tissue. "They need time. I want them to be able to grieve in their own way."

Nathan could feel his cell phone vibrate in his pocket again. He quickly placed his hand in his pocket to turn it off. "I apologize for asking this," he said. "Do you mind saying what happened?"

A tear ran down her face and she blew her nose again.

"See Bart —" she said.

"Bart?" interrupted Nathan.

"Yes. Bart, my husband, used to work late." She paused and then smiled. "In fact, he liked to work late. See, Bart was a little bit of an insomniac. Bobby reminds me of him; I think he works better at night too." Linda's smile faded away and her face became more somber. "He would often work on projects when he couldn't sleep, sometimes even driving to the office late at night," she said. "I didn't notice it at first, but Bart's nightly disappearances were really starting to affect Jonas."

Nathan looked confused again. "Why did it bother Jonas?"

"Jonas is a light sleeper, unlike me," she said. "And he would often wake up to the sound of Bart's car leaving the driveway. Jonas knew this was typical of his father, but would try to stay up until his father returned, anyway."

Nathan looked concerned. "Did this affect Jonas in school?"

"No," said Linda. "Bart would come home to find Jonas asleep on the sofa. And again, Jonas is a light sleeper, so sometimes after Jonas had woken up, they would end up talking, particularly about basketball." Tears were building in her eyes. "But that was before things got worse," she said. She blew her nose and wiped the tears. "Bart would return back home extremely tired and sometimes bewildered or confused. It got to the point that I begged him to see somebody, to see a doctor, but he wouldn't listen."

"About his insomnia?" asked Nathan.

Linda nodded and her crooked gold-rimmed glasses started to slip down her nose. "He insisted that it was just stress from work, that things would get better. But things didn't get better. See, one night Jonas woke up from what he said sounded like a train; I think he said it was about midnight. Jonas walked the house like he normally does after he wakes up and noticed that his father was gone, but Bart's car was still in the driveway."

A few creases formed on Nathan's forehead. "Where did he go?" he asked. 

There was angst in her voice. "We don't know," she said. "We looked everywhere, but we couldn't find him." Linda paused to look down at her hands. "It had snowed that day. Jonas's hands and feet were so blue from searching all day and night. We got a call from the police about a week later; they found Bart's body somewhere out on Route 7."

She sobbed and Malick handed her another tissue.

"I know they miss their father," she sniffled. "The last gift Bart gave Jonas was an autographed basketball from Jonas's favorite player. Jonas still carries it around with him."

"I am so sorry about your husband," said Nathan. "How long ago did this happen?"

"Back in December," Linda sobbed. "Of last year." She removed her glasses and dabbed her eyes. "The police have no leads, but the case is still open."

Laughter suddenly filled the room as Jonas and Bobby filed in.

"I beat you fair and square!" shouted Jonas.

"How about a rematch?" asked Bobby. "I know my warriors will take out your wizards!"

Jonas attempted to grab his brother and tickle him. "I'll give you a rematch," he said.

Nathan watched Jonas roughhouse with his little brother. He was still astonished by what he'd just learned.

Malick stood up and stretched, and Lacey suddenly ran away.

"We probably should be heading back," he said.

Nathan glanced at the yellow-and-silver trimmed clock on the wall. "You're right," he said. "We probably should get going."

Linda's glasses lay crooked on her nose again as she smiled. "Okay," she said. "I am so glad you got a chance to visit, Nathan. It was so nice to finally meet you. And you too, Malick." 

Malick grinned. "You too, Mrs. Riley," he said, while nodding his head.

Linda took Nathan by the hand. "Thank you for bringing Jonas home," she said.

"No problem," replied Nathan.

"Okay, bro," said Jonas. "I'll see you in about a week, and then we'll see about that rematch."

Bobby smiled.

Linda opened the front door, and Lacey darted outside. Nathan quickly raised his leg to avoid stepping on her.

"Will you be coming to the closing ceremony on Saturday?" he asked Linda.

"Yes," she smiled. "I'll be there."

"What about Bobby?" asked Jonas.

Bobby awaited a response, intently.

Linda looked down and peered over her glasses. "We'll have to see," she said. "It depends on whether Bobby intends to keep turning in his homework."

"You heard it, bro," said Jonas. "If you want to come, you will have to finish your homework."

"I got it," said Bobby confidently. "Done!"

Jonas glared at him incredulously.

Bobby laughed. "I'm serious," he said.

"Cool," said Jonas, hugging his brother.

Malick fired up the silver Camaro once again, and Jonas waved good-bye to his brother and mother. Nathan reached inside his pocket to turn on his cell phone; it was vibrating furiously.

"Look at all these text messages," he said nervously. "Lafonda's going to kill me!"


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