Chapter 19.1 (Someone to Come)

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Chapter 19.1

Nathan couldn't believe what he had just seen. Jonathan Black had changed into what looked like a small animal right in front of him. He tried to make out the silhouette of the animal in the darkness. A brilliant bolt of lightning struck above, revealing in a split second the surrounding trees and the shaggy black face with piercing blue eyes staring back at him.

"The disheveled black dog," Nathan mumbled. "The day we left for camp — that dog in the forest — it was you?"

Nathan inched forward and a loud and long rumble of thunder filled the air. A moment later, the forest lit up again and Jonathan took off.

"Wait!" shouted Nathan, taking off after him.

His heart beat rapidly as he tried to keep up. He was breathing hard by the time he exited the trail. He looked up just in time to see Jonathan dash across the well-lit museum parking lot and into the trail leading to the top of the cliffs. 

The trees on both sides of the parking lot swayed with the wind and dark gray clouds were gathering above. Nathan paused to wipe the raindrops from his forehead and the beads of sweat from his nose, and then continued after Jonathan, wondering if he was headed to the caves.

Nathan entered the trail, and it was soon dark again. He could barely see in front of him and couldn't tell if Jonathan was far away or near. Lightning from above lit up the forest, revealing two yellow-ribboned trees. He has to have gone to the Cahokia Caves.

A thick silver chain ran across the entrance to the trail and Nathan stepped over it. "So much for the Warning: Do Not Enter sign," he murmured.

He carefully continued down the trail that led to the series of caves behind the cliffs. This trail wasn't as well maintained as the others, and mud accumulated at the bottom of Nathan's shoes. The path to the caves opened up to an enclosed meadow surrounded by tall trees on one side and the cliff wall on the other. The meadow stretched downward several feet before leveling out and meeting the cave wall. Nathan carefully maneuvered past squared sections of dig sites that were marked by ropes and yellow flags.

He caught a glimpse of flickering light from within one of the caves and pressed forward thinking it was probably a safe bet that Jonathan was inside that one.

Nathan stood outside of the cave. He could now see a torch attached to the right side of the cave wall. He peered inside, but suddenly flinched back at the sound of scuffling. There was a woman's scream followed by a growl and then a low whimpering sound. "That has to be Jonathan," Nathan said, charging in. "But who else is there?"

He ran towards the sounds echoing from within the cave. Every few feet a torch burned, illuminating the smooth, light-brown limestone walls. Every so often the torches created unusual shadows from the large stalactites that sprung out of the ceiling.

Nathan heard what sounded like huge rocks hitting the ground. A few rock pieces flew towards him, barely missing his head. He dove behind two large boulders. Near the back of the cave were the black dog and a slender woman dressed in all black. Jonathan the dog growled; it looked like he was blocking her entrance into another chamber. On the ground, slumped against a pile of rubble, was an older woman with glasses. That must be Dr. Helmsley, thought Nathan.

The Legend of the Firewalker, Book #1Where stories live. Discover now