Chapter 26

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Carly Pov

"Thanks Dad." I whispered for nobody would hear me because the boys and Whit would just be like 'You called Liam Dad!'

Liam has the biggest smile on his face and he kissed my forehead. I turned around and Whitley had a smirk on her face. I walked over to Josh he was wearing a suit with a black tie.

"You look wow." He said I smiled.

"You look pretty wow yourself." I said he chuckled.

"Okay PICTURE TIME!" Louis shouted on the top of his lungs.

"Louis if you haven't noticed we are inside not outside. So use your inside voice." I said he rolled his eyes.

"Well I think you all need to give up on me ever talking inside voice! Now let's take some PICTURES!" He said and all the parents got their phones out to take pictures.

I took a couple with just Josh and I, me and just the girls, all of us, took one with just me and Whitley, me and Liam, the boys, Lou, Little Mix, Eleanor and Sophia.

"LIMO IS HERE!" Louis and Harry shouted.

"We get a limo?!" Lexie asked excited and shock.

"I guess so. Come on!" I said and we ran outside.

"Woah!" We all said in unison.

Outside the house was a white hummer limousine! This is the coolest thing ever!

"One last picture! I promise!" Lexie's Mum said we all lined up by the limo.

It was Ricky and Hannah, Adam and Lexie, Gavin and Scarlett, Peyton and Austin, Mikey and Anna, Eli and Amy, then Josh and I.

We took one picture making funny faces the other one was the boys holding our waists, but that one took a little longer because the guys were being weird out about it.

"Paul?" I asked seeing Paul getting out of the Limo and opening the door for us.

"I'm Paul and I'll be your driver tonight." He said I shook my head he had the whole outfit and everything.

Everyone got in and I went up to the Whitley and the boys.

"You pack everything you need?" Liam asked

"Yeah I doubled checked earlier. I have everything by my door."

"Have fun but not too much fun!" Harry said wiggling his eyebrows I playfully hit his arm.

"Ow that hurt." He said sarcastically rubbing his arm.

"We'll be at the school around 11 to pick you up. One of us will just text you where we are." Liam said I nodded and gave him a hug.

"Okay bye." I said walking away and going in the Limo.

"This is so ace!" Adam said looking around the Limo.

"Yeah! I can't believe I'm in a Limo!" Anna said

"Paul!" I yelled he look from his reveal mirror.


"Can we have some music please?" I asked and music started playing.

We danced and sang to all the songs that came on the way to the school. We also took a selfie.

"We're here." Paul said getting out of the car and opening the door. "I'll see you around 11 Carly, Have fun!" He said as I was getting out of the limo.

"Bye big P!" I said he shook his head and got. back in the Limo.

"Big P?" Josh asked rising a eyebrow.

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