Chapter 24

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Carly Pov

"How about this one?" I asked walking out of the dressing room with a formal strapless black dress on.

The theme of the Winter Formal is black and white so we agreed that we'll all wear a black dress.

For the pass two hours the girls and I have been at just about every shop in the mall and have tried on about hundreds of dresses each.

They all grasped and their mouths were on the floor. I look at my reflection though the mirror.

"Do I look that ba-" Hannah cut me off.

"You look amazing!" She said I smiled

"Spin!" Lexie said I rolled my eyes but did as told.

"You gotta get that dress!" Scarlett said they all agreed with her.

"Are you sure?" I asked looking at myself though the mirror.

"Girl I will literally take that out of your dressing room while you change and buy myself if I have to!" Peyton said

"Your buying that dress!" Amy commanded, they all had serious faces and their arm crossed.

"Okay fine I'll buy the dress." I said walking back in the dressing room and putting my normal clothes on.

"Can we get ice cream?" Amy asked as we walked up to the counter.

"Hi did you find everything you wanted?" The lady behind the desk asked.

No I'm just buying this so I can wast Liam's money and bring back.

"Yep!" I said handing her Liam's credit card and the dress.

"Have a nice day!" She said giving me the bag.

"You too." I said as we walked out of the shop.

"So can we get ice cream?" Amy asked her earlier question.

"Yeah there's one like right there." Hannah said pointing to the frozen yogurt place.

"Can't wait for the game next week!" Peyton said getting her frozen yogurt.

"Yeah! You guys wanna come over after?" Lexie asked everyone said something I just putting some strawberries in my yogurt.

"What about you C?" Lexie asked

"Uh I can't." I said getting in line paying for my yogurt.

"Why?" Scarlett asked

"I won't be here?" I said giving the guy my money and taking a seat at a table in the back. Once the girls got theirs they sat at the table.

"What you mean you won't be here?" Amy asked.

"The boys are going on tour we leave Saturday after the dance." I said it got quiet.

"Have you told Josh?" Lexie asked I rose a eyebrow.

"No not yet. I haven't told anyone. Why?" I asked.

"He's gonna be heartbroken." Amy whispered

"Why would he be heartbroken?"

"Haven't you noticed the way he looks at you, and that he smiles every time your in the room, he even kissed you for gods sake!" Peyton said

"What's your point?"

"C he likes you like really likes you! I'm his best friend we've known each other since day one! I know when he likes a girl and he really likes you!" Lexie said

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