Chapter 27

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Liam Pov

Carly fell asleep on Louis' shoulder. I felt so bad for her this must be really hard on her. She gets her first boyfriend then we make her leave him for a couple of months.

"Lads we're here." Paul said I unbuckled Whitley out of her.

"Daddy?" She asked opening her eyes.

"Shh..go back to sleep." I said and she just laid her head on my shoulder.

Louis woke Carly up and we all went in though the airport keeping our heads down ignoring any questions the paps ask.

Once we got in the airport we got to the gate went though them in got in our private plane. I put Whitley down on the couch that we have on the plane and put a blanket over her.

"Here Carls we brought you some extra clothes." I said throwing her the bag of clothes.

"Thanks." She said putting her stuff down before going to our little bathroom to change.

"Poor kid." Zayn said sitting on the couch next to Whitley and Niall.

"Yeah.." I trailed off sitting on the couch next on the other couch.

"Who do you think got her the bear." Louis said holding the bear.

"Put it down Lou." I said and he put the bear down.

Carly came out with her hair in a high pony tail, leggings, a hoodie, and her Uggs. She sat down next to me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Where are we going first?" She asked

"Sydney, Australia." I said she yawn."Go to sleep I'll wake you up when we get there." I added.

"Love you Liam." She said

"I love you too baby." I said kissing her head.

~At Sydney~

The girls woke up a couple hours ago we've been talking and joking around the whole way. Whitley and Carly even watched a movie on Carly's laptop at some point.

"Thank you for flying with us hope you have a great trip." The caption says and we all got what we brought on the plane and got out.

"SYDNEY!" Harry shouted doing a little weird dance when he got out then Niall joint him.

"Daddy?" Whitley asked.

"Yes monkey?"

"What are they doing?" She asked pointing at the two boys acting like monkeys.

"I think they're acting like monkeys." I said unsure.

"Can I act like a monkey?!" She asked excited.

"Sure go ahead." I said pointing her down and she ran over to them.

"What the heck are they doing to Whitley?" Carly asked

"Acting like monkeys!" I said she rolled her eyes.

"I question you guys sometimes." She said I chuckled and we got in the van.

"Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be around those 3." Zayn said taking a seat we look out and Louis joint the others.

"Zayn there's 4 people doing it." Carly said

"I know but I didn't count Whitley, she's just a kid." He said I smiled.

"CHILDREN IT'S TIME TO GO!" Carly shouted and they got in.

"Excuse me but we are not children!" Louis said pointing talking about him, Harry, and Niall.

"Yeah!" Harry and Niall yelled.

"You act like children." Zayn muttered about to fall asleep.

"No we don't!" Louis protested.

"JIMMY PROTESTED!" Carly and I shouted in unison.

"Shut up." Louis muttered I chuckled.

~At The Hotel~

"Here's the keys to your rooms." Paul said handing us each a key.

"Who is rooming with who?" I asked.

"Liam your rooming with Niall and Whitley, then Zayn and Carly, Harry and Louis." He said and we all went to the lift.

"Look a pool!" Whitley said pointing to it.

"Can we go over there later Liam?" Carly asked.

"Yeah Liam can we?" Louis asked sounding like a kid.

"Yeah after we all settle in and everything then we can go swimming." I said as we all got on the lift.

"Yay! We're going swimming!" Whitley said

Hope you guys like the chapter and thanks for reading!

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