Chapter 9

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Liam Pov

We just got home from Christmas shopping and I'm putting Whitley in her bed, she fell asleep on the way home.

I look at my beautiful daughter and started thinking about what Whitley told Santa what she wants for Christmas.

I sign and gave her a kiss on her forehead before going downstairs to the living room where everyone else is.

"Do you think Whitley should start going to school after the Halliday's?" I asked

"No it's probably a good idea, but you guys are going on tour in February." Sophia said.

"Yeah but we can have a teacher go on tour with us and I don't want her to be behind with the rest of the kids her age." I said

"Yeah I guess you have a point." Louis said

"I'll be back in like a hour." I said getting up.

"Where you going?" Eleanor asked

"I'm gonna go talk to Simon about the school thing. Watch Whitley for me." I said walking out the door and to my car.

I might have lied a little about what I'm going to talk to Simon about I mean I am going to talk about school but I also want to talk to him about adopting Carly.

Whitley and her are already like sisters anyway and they seem to really care about each other so why not.

Whitley will get her best friend back and Carly will finally be adopted it'll be a win win.

I park the car and went to the lift. I got on and went on the floor where Simons office is. I walked down to the hallway and knocked on his door.

"Come in!" I heard him say and I opened the door," Ah Liam what you doing here?" He asked

"Umm I wanted to ask you something?" I said taking a seat.

"Go on." He said

"First I was thinking about Whitley starting school after the Halliday's and we could have a teacher on the road or something." I said

"Yeah we can do that!" He said,"Anything else?" He added.

"Yeah there's this little girl named Carly she was like Whitley's older sister at the orphanage and today when Santa asked Whitley what she wants for Christmas she said that she wants Carly to get adopted to a nice family." I said he look at me.

"What are you trying to say Liam?" He asked.

"I was wondering if I could adopt Carly." I said he sign.

"Liam I think it's nice that you want to do that for Whitley and for Carly but are you sure you want to have two kids?" He asked

"Yeah I'm sure." I said

"Well your doing such a great job taking care of Whitley so if you really want to do it then go ahead and we'll get a teacher for her too." He said I smiled.

"Thank you Simon your the best!" I said giving him a hug.

~Two Days After-

Today Whitley is going ice skating with Kayla and Elliot. While she's with them I'm going to the orphanage and talk about adopting Carly.

I haven't told anyone that I'm thinking about adopting Carly yet, I want to wait until I know it's official.

As I was walking downstairs I heard the doorbell ring I opened the door to see Jen with Kayla and Elliot.

"Hey kids! Whitley is upstairs in her room." I said and they ran upstairs as Jen walked in and I shut the door.

"Hi Liam." Jen said

"Hi Thanks for letting Whitley go with you." I said

"Are you kidding she's welcome to go with us any time she's a angle."

"Thanks. Want some water?" I asked

"Sure." I went in the kitchen and she followed and sat down.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Yeah sure."

"I'm thinking about Whitley starting school after the holidays and I want her to go to where she already knows people so and I just don't know what school she should go to-" she cut me off

"So what your asking is what school Kayla and Elliot go to?" She asks

"Yeah..I guess so and I just need help finding a school I just want the best for th-her." I trail off.

"Well they go to Greenville, its a private school and they do grades k-12." She said

" I'll check it out, thanks!" I said

"No problem! We should probably get going." She saids looking at her watch.

They left and I got in car and drove down to the orphanage. When I got there I went inside and knock on Ms. Macks office door.

"It's open!" I walked inside and she smiled."Liam how are you?" She asked getting up.

"I'm good!" I said shaking her hand.

"Have a seat." She said and I sat down," How my I help you?" She asked sitting down.

"Well I actually need to talk to you about something." I said

"Is everything alright? Your not thinking about bringing Whitley back are you?" She asked frowning.

"No no absolutely not I love her too much to do that!" I said she smiled.

"Then what can I help you with?"

"I was actually thinking about adopting Carly." I said and her smile grew.

"That's wonderful! But may I ask why?" She said getting some files.

"Well we went to see Santa the other day and Whitley told Santa that she wants Carly to get adopted for Christmas and I thought about it and thought they were like sisters and Carly seems like a nice kid so why not plus every kid deserves a nice family." I said

"Well let's go over the files and I'll bring her down." we did the files and she brought Carly down.

"You needed to see me?" A soft voice said

"Yes sit down please." Ms. Mack said Carly shut the door and sat down.

"Liam! How's Whitley?" Carly asked

"She's good!" I said

"Carly we have some good news for you!" Ms. Mack said Carly raised a eyebrow.

"What is it?" Carly asked looking at me and Ms. Mack.

"I want to adopt you!" I said her eyes widen and her mouth dropped.

"Really?" She asks I nodded she got up and gave me a hug."Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I chuckled and she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Go get your stuff and we'll go." I said and she ran upstairs.

She said goodbye to Ms.Mack and we left the orphanage got in my car and started driving to the mall.


I know you guys are probably thinking 'why is he adopting another kid when he has only had Whitley for about a week?' And stuff like that.

If I'm gonna be honest I just felt like making Liam adopt Carly so yeah.

But anyway thanks for reading and Vote and Comment. Love you guys!

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